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Re: [GreenYes] if you're not driving, who is?
- Subject: Re: [GreenYes] if you're not driving, who is?
- From: don hughes <djhughes@mailbox.syr.edu>
- Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2001 11:32:40 -0400
Hear, Hear! Our community does a pretty good job at recycling, despite the
fact that we have an incinerator. It seems to me that most people like to
recycle becasue it is something THEY can do which is good for the planet.
I just wish that attitude would extend to not driving SUVs, conserving
electricity, etc.
Don Hughes
Syracuse, NY
At 08:57 AM 07/29/2001 -0700, melissa terry wrote:
>i'm not sure about the rest of the folks on this list,
>but our community is fired up about recycling!
>as our regional landfill faces major heavy metal
>leaching/available space issues, we have come full
>circle to targeted campaigns (founded on current data)
>that educate our citizens about the realities of our
>long range planning.
>as we run out of room and/or contaminate our habitat,
>recycling will gain more rather than less momentum.
>however, source reduction and waste reduction must
>proceed recycling.
>getting your community to care about your program
>means they need to own a solid understanding as to why
>the program is even available (if not mandatory). why
>should they care? will it save them money? will it
>protect their groundwater?
>community citizens expect us to be at the wheel and
>drive community awareness. if you're finding litter in
>the parking lots or teenagers that could care less,
>you have identified your educational target group.
>you ask, who is driving the desire to recycle in 2001?
>it had better be us! keeping research current, keeping
>the community jazzed with exciting program info and
>thinking outside the box is our responsibility. we are
>supposed to be the one's making the noise about these
>the frontier is before us and there aren't any perfect
>maps...we need good data and an explorer's mentality
>if we're going to figure out how work with dynamic
>earth systems responsibly and arrive at some kind of
>sustainable goal for our population.
>the earth will be fine...i don't do this work for job
>security or the laughable salary, i do it because it's
>important and it's our habitat at stake.
>i appreciate everyone's efforts and dialogue.
>melissa terry
>sustainable environment educator
>city of fayetteville
>--- C E F G <hither@qwest.net> wrote:
>> Mr. John Reindl, Roger M. Guttentag and others,
>> I am sorry if people are attributing my comment -
>> in 2001 a whole lot of
>> people "could care less" - to the wrong persons.
>> It seems funny to me that the parties who make their
>> living in waste and recycilng are the ones who seem
>> to be making the most noise about recycling, etc.
>> Perhaps that is because they are looking for job
>> security and have a direct vested interest in how
>> many states provide money for recycling programs.
>> I will re-frame my comments, the examples given do
>> not show recent data. Information from 1996 and
>> 1997 will not get residents to continue recycling
>> today. Look at the litter in the parking lots and
>> events attended by 17-19 year
>> old teens and see the mess left behind. I am not
>> sure they "care." Check out the recycling bins at a
>> nearby apartment bldg. and see for yourself how many
>> opeaple "care less!"
>> Sorry about the first message lookin so bad.
>> Regards, C. William
>> # # # # # # # # # # # #
>> "Everyday should be an Earth Day."
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Don Hughes Dept. of Chemistry
315-470-6597 431 Jahn Lab
SUNY-College of environmental science & forestry
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