Title: [GreenYes] RE: [heur][auto-ip] [GreenYes] Re: Recycle Offset Credits?
Well, according to your signature fun fact, it looks like the WM
position is that it be the "collection company" ;{)
-----Original Message-----
From: GreenYes@no.address [mailto:GreenYes@no.address] On
Behalf Of Jewell, Rebecca
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2008 4:05 PM
To: Mary Lou Van Deventer
Cc: Neil Tangri; Curt McNamara; GreenYes@no.address
Subject: [heur][auto-ip] [GreenYes] Re: Recycle Offset Credits?
Importance: Low
I hope I didn't imply that I had an answer to the question. I was only
asking as I wonder how many entities along that chain expect that they
would receive the credits in question resulting in more entities than
-----Original Message-----
From: Mary Lou Van Deventer [mailto:marylouvan@no.address]
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2008 12:59 PM
To: Jewell, Rebecca
Cc: Neil Tangri; Curt McNamara; GreenYes@no.address
Subject: Re: [GreenYes] Re: Recycle Offset Credits?
Good question. Looks like a pyramid scheme, yes?
Mary Lou Van Deventer
Urban Ore
On Jun 23, 2008, at 12:46 PM, Jewell, Rebecca wrote:
> Follow up question to this conversation...
> If a City starts a recycling program, does outreach for
> participation, hires a collection company who sorts the material and
> sells it to brokers who then sell it to refiners who process it some
> more (clean it, melt it, color sort it, etc) who then sell it to
> manufacturers who make it into new products, who gets the carbon
> credits for "recycling"?
> Is it the City?
> collection company?
> broker?
> the refiner?
> manufacturer?
> In the case of the City, they may be capping and trading under their
> County or State laws.
> But the collection company might be capping and trading in another
> system.
> And the broker, refiner and manufacturer might not even be in the
> United States...
> I'm just wondering what this would look like, if it became reality...
> Rebecca Jewell
> Recycling Programs Manager
> Davis Street Station for Material Recycling & Transfer
> A Waste Management company
> 510-563-4214
> Fun Fact: Waste Management recycled more than 5 million tons of
> commodities last year; preventing the release of more than 3.4
> million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions.
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