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[GreenYes] job at Eco-Cycle

Community Relations Manager
Eco-Cycle, one of the largest non-profit recyclers in the nation, seeks a creative, energetic, FT Community Relations Manager for the Boulder office. Qualified candidates must have a minimum of five years demonstrated professional experience managing communications projects and implementing local fundraising activities. Candidates must also have strong skills in editing, writing, and an eye for good design, as well as public speaking, media management and employee supervision skills. Fundraising experience must include grant writing, corporate sponsorship, and major donor programs. Volunteer management, political organizing and community outreach and education experience a plus. Only applicants with a strong commitment and passion for protecting the planet need apply. Sense of humor essential! Great benefits. Send resume, cover letter, salary requirements and fundraising, writing and communications samples (no more than two each, please) by July 4th. No phone calls please.

Apply at jobs@no.address


Eric Lombardi

Executive Director

Eco-Cycle Inc

5030 Pearl St.

Boulder, CO. 80301



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