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Alan is correct. Actually, most printer companies sell lower-end
printers at a loss (that's why they're so unbelievably cheap), but make
it up on the cartridges, where, as mentioned, there is significant
profit margin. Likely it is difficult to acheive the same profit margin
on refilled cartridges versus new, where the economies & efficiency of
mass production are greater. Hence Epson's desire to shut off all
refill avenues for their prniters. It kind of suggests a boycott of
Epson printers, doesn't it? I hope many of the folks on the e_takeback listserve have been cross-posted to this discussion, because it sounds like the electronics takeback campaign might be a good place to "house" this printer cartridge action (not that CTBC needs more to do!). If nothing else, there is a need for the good type of public education Wayne Turner mentioned in his letter, so consumers can choose printers where less-expensive refillable cartridges are more readily available because the primary manufacturer has not shut off that avenue of supply. Anne Peters Gracestone, Inc. Boulder, CO 303.494.4934 vox 303.494.4880 fax Alan Muller wrote: Hi Jenny and others: |
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