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Recycle Scene Fall 2004 Richard Anthony San Francisco Trip This year the National Recycling Congress (Congress) was held in San Francisco. The California Resource Recovery Association (CRRA), the host of the first (1980) and the ninth Congress (1990) has always used these events as opportunities to organize locally. To show case reuse, recycling and composting programs in the San Francisco Bay Area, the Global Recycling Council (GRC) of the California Resource Recovery Association (CRRA) organized an International Dialog on Proper Discard Management on Thursday and Friday, August 26-27, 2004, in San Francisco. The Dialog was organized with the help of the ALGALITA MARINE RESEARCH FOUNDATION, Berkeley Ecology Center, CA INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD, Californians Against Waste, City and County of San Francisco, Earth Resource Foundation, GARY LISS & ASSOCIATES, GLOBAL RECYCLING COUNCIL OF CA RESOURCE RECOVERY ASSOCIATION, GrassRoots Recycling Network, Greenaction for Health & Environmental Justice, LA SHARES, Northern CA Recycling Association, Oakland/Berkeley Recycling Market Development Zone, RICHARD ANTHONY ASSOCIATES, Roplast Industries, Rose Foundation, San Francisco Hilton Hotel, San Luis Obispo Integrated Waste Mgt. Program, The Waste Reduction Project, Urban Ore, and the Zero Waste International Alliance. And on Saturday, August 28, 2004, the Grassroots Recycling Network (GRRN), organized the first national Zero Waste Action Conference in Oakland before the Congress, with the help of AVEDA CORPORATION, HUGO NEU CORPORATION, Eco-Cycle, Inc., Mitchell Kapor Foundation, Gary Liss & Associates, Green Business Network, Institute for Local Self Reliance, Richard Anthony Associates, Alameda County Recycling Board, Algalita Marine Research Foundation, Berkeley Ecology Center, Californians Against Waste, CA Integrated Waste Management Board, City of Oakland, Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives, Global Recycling Council, CRRA, Greenaction for Health and Environmental Justice, Northern CA Recycling Association, and Urban Ore.. Because I would need the car to pick people from the airport and move equipment around town and it is a nice drive up the coast, Debbie and I drove the Hybrid up from San Diego to San Francisco. We stopped in San Luis Obisbo (SLO) for lunch and picked up conference supplies and equipment from the SLO/IWMA. We spent Monday walking downtown to check out the venues and the distances between hotels and the convention center. That night we met up with Marianne Walther and Albert Wyse who are organizing R’05 in Beijing (www.R05.org). Together we took BART to the northeast SF Bay and had dinner with Dan Knapp and Mary Lou Van Deventer of Urban Ore in Berkeley, CA. After dinner Dan and Mary Lou showed us some rare art that was found in discards left at Urban Ore or recovered from the landfill. Tuesday Debbie flew home and Gary Liss and the rest of the group started to arrive from other cities in California, the United States and the rest of the world. The third meeting of the Zero Waste International Alliance (www.ZWIA.0rg) was held on Wednesday. The first meeting was in Pennang Malaysia, the second in Baumaris Wales. This third meeting clarified the membership rules, established the website, and clarified responsibilities of the ZWIA Planning Group and the Board of Directors. The goal of ZWIA is to work for a world without waste through public education and practical application of Zero Waste principles to protect the Zero Waste brand. The International Dialog was amazing. We had folks from every continent on the planet except Antarctica. After I opened and demonstrated the pace of a ten minute talk, Jared Blumenfeld, Director of the San Francisco Department of the Environment explained their adoption of the precautionary principal and zero waste goals. Mike Paparian then reviewed the state Zero Waste goals and challenged the group to go back and organize a zero waste community in their home town. Neil Seldman from the Institute for Local Self Reliance and Gerry Gillespie, Zero Waste Australia gave a historical and political rational for the e volution of the zero waste approach. The chair of the board of GeoSnytec told the group that most landfills leak and Peter Anderson a landfill expert told us that the liability cost is in the billions. Manny Calonzo told us how the citizens joined together and forced the Philippine government to ban incineration as a method of disposal. We finished out the day with speakers on clean production and waste prevention programs from Canada, Belgium and the USA and a group dinner in an Indian restaurant. Some of us retired early to prepare for one more day of dialog. On Friday Miriam Gordon and Captain Charles Moore put together a workshop that revealed the air, water and health impacts of plastics in the environment. Discovery of plasticizers in the endocrine system and plastic in the bodies of dead animals has raised the level of concern for this material in the environment worldwide. The Reuse, Recycling and Composting sessions validated what we thought about the viability of these technologies to handle municipal discards and finally at the end of the day speaking to nearly a full house, Dr. Paul Connett. Always impassioned and compassionate, Paul showed videos of his travels looking for organic pieces of zero. He left us with a lasting shot of a beautiful lake in Japan drained to build an incinerator. We all concluded that it was good to talk and that we should talk more. The papers will be up on the GRC International Dialog part of the www.CRRA.com website. We look forward to more of these dialogs in the future and see it as a first step towards developing an International Resource Management Academy. A few of us had dinner in North Beach. We met at City Lights and the moon was full. The owner of the restaurant spoke Italian to Jean Marie Savino and told us he was from the waste industry in southern Italy but thought owning a restaurant was a better business. We agreed. The workshop in Oakland went way beyond our expectations. Saturday morning at the Federal building almost 200 campaigners showed up for America's first national zero waste network action conference. First off, about a dozen of the non US members of the group without their passports were forbidden entry with no id. An international incident was avoided when an EPA employee vouched for them and they were admitted. Mayor Jerry Brown told us he was a recycled politician and was gong to run for Attorney General (AG). In some state AG’s are suing polluting utilities as public nuisances. The morning session critiqued existing technologies and explained zero waste systems. After a zero wasted lunch and a compassionate speech by Paul Connett and an inspiring film by NCRA on the need for domestic markets for materials, we broke into four working groups. 1. Zero Waste communities, 2. No new incinerators, 3. End land filling, and 4. Single use plastic packaging. After brainstorming on organization and a closing talk by Randy Hayes, a group picture was taken on the stairs of City Hall, and we finished the day with a reception at Stefanie Pruegel’s house hosted by NCRA. The next four days at the National Recycling Congress (NRC) were not quite as amazing. The harbor trip was grand. The CRRA reception was fun. The workshops were relevant. Coke won the election and I lost. I think NRC needs a listserv of all NRC members to restore the involvement of the grassroots that formed it. And NRC needs to take a stronger position on packaging producer responsibility. My final reaction to these events is that the Dialog and GRRN ZW Conference were euphoric exercises in science and solidarity and the NRC was a reality check. We still have a lot of work to do. |
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