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Re: [greenyes] Zero waste


I totally agree with you about getting rid of subsidies for wasting. As you probably know, there are excellent reports on that issue at:



At 06:49 PM 9/8/2004, Amy Perlmutter wrote:

I agree with your concept. But I do have one thing to add: getting rid of
subsidies for virgin resources, and working to internalize other external
costs of mining as well as disposal. I personally am not fully supportive
of advance disposal fees? having folks pay for the cost of disposal in the
product. ³Consumers² are already pay for disposal when they dispose of it,
so they¹re paying for it twice. If the true cost of getting the virgin
materials and turning them into product were included in the cost of the
product, and the true cost of disposing of the product were included in
peoples¹ garbage fees (like monitoring the landfill for how ever many years
it¹s needed), then I think we¹d see clearer incentives in the right places.


> Date: Fri, 03 Sep 2004 18:26:05 -0700
> To: "Peter Anderson" <anderson@no.address>,
> "GreenYes" <greenyes@no.address>
> From: Gary Liss <gary@no.address>
> Subject: Re: [greenyes] Recycling's Own Sustainability
> Message-Id: <>
> Peter,
> I agree with your concerns and believe that the correct way to address the=
> =20
> reported "malaise" of recycling is to re-invigorate our movement to push=20
> for the next generation of policies and programs. That means encouraging=20
> state and local governments, universities and businesses, to adopt Zero=20
> Waste as a goal, and for them to develop plans to implement those goals.
> That means stopping leaking landfills and polluting burners. That means=20
> holding producers fiscally or physically accountable for their products and=
> =20
> packaging. That means working for the triple-bottom line of economy,=20
> environment and social equity, and working towards an economy that fully=20
> values people, resources and the environment.
> I urge all who are interested in working towards Zero Waste in your=20
> community to contact me, or GRRN, to begin to network the leaders of=
> tomorrow.
> Gary

Gary Liss
Fax: 916-652-0485

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