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Re: [greenyes] Cyber Resources Re Waste Policies and Climate Change
Here's some more background to that.  In 1996, EPA promulgated air pollution
rules for landfills as required by the Clean Air Amendments of 1990.
Because landfills emit many hazardous carcinogenic air pollutants like
benzene and nerve gases like dimethyl mercury, EPA was also compelled  to
determine the maximum emission levels necessary to protect the people who
live adjacent to landfills and then impose maximum achievable technology,
and if that is not good enough, require alternative disposal technologies
which will protect public health and welfare.

What it appears EPA did instead because of the politically imposed decision
to deregulate -- regardless of what was required by statute, is, first,
exempt 95% of landfills from doing anything, and, for the 5% that were
covered, just codify existing industry practice, which was limited to that
necessary to reduce odors and the risk of explosions, not protect health.

I could go on for a long time with further details that are terribly
dispiriting about what deregulation has meant for the American people, but
let me just leave it there for now.

Bottom line: even in those minority of landfills with landfill gas
management systems, their efficacy is very very limited.


----- Original Message -----
From: Bette Danse <bettdanse@no.address>
To: Peter Anderson <anderson@no.address>; GreenYes
Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2003 10:11 PM
Subject: Re: [greenyes] Cyber Resources Re Waste Policies and Climate Change

> At our landfills here (there are two in this
> county), they have just approved capturing the
> methane gasses. Guess it will be profitable as
> well as eliminating the toxins from our air....
> Bette
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