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RE: [greenyes] Fw: Proposed Regulations on reducing diesel in Govt vehicles
- Subject: RE: [greenyes] Fw: Proposed Regulations on reducing diesel in Govt vehicles
- From: "Tim Brownell" <timb@no.address>
- Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2003 10:31:47 -0400
We are currently operating our collection fleet of recycling vehicles
(14 trucks)in Saint Paul, MN with a 20% blend (B20) of bio-diesel. We
cannot use a higher percentage without voiding the vehicle warrantees.
This is not, however, a requirement of the city's recycling contract
with us.
Minnesota is adopting a 2% blend requirement for all diesel vehicles in
the state by 2005(I believe that is the year).
-----Original Message-----
From: Ann Schneider [mailto:schneiderann@no.address]
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2003 12:25 PM
To: CRRA@no.address; greenyes@no.address
Subject: [greenyes] Fw: Proposed Regulations on reducing diesel in Govt
Bill Michel is a Sierra Club activist from the Silicon Valley area and
trying to find any documentation about the inclusion... or not, of
bio-diesel in public or private garbage trucks.
Our local chapter of the Sierra Club has included the goal of trying to
get local governments to use clean fuel in all their fleet vehicles
including garbage and recycling vehicles.
Please send any information directly to Bill as I will be a flightly
email user till my home construction is completed in mid late September.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Ann Schneider
Sierra Club and CRRA
Mountain View, CA
---- snip ----
From: Bill Michel <bmichel@no.address>
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 14:10:03 -0700
Subject: Proposed Regulations on reducing diesel in Govt vehicles
Dear Ms. Chen, {Californai Air Resources Board}
I have recently become aware of
the Air Resources Board proceedings concerning proposed
regulations dealing with particulate emissions from publicaly and
privated owned and operated garbage trucks.
In my cursory examination of the staff report, I see no mention
of biodiesel.
Can you tell me if this technology has, in fact, been considered,
and where in the documents I might find reference to it, if it has?
Yours truly,
Bill Michel
Transportation Chair
Sierra Club, Loma Prieta Chapter
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