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RE: RE: [GreenYes] Scientific Breakthrough Liberates Energy Users from Fossil Fuel
- Subject: RE: RE: [GreenYes] Scientific Breakthrough Liberates Energy Users from Fossil Fuel
- From: "Philip Prete" <PPrete@ci.carrboro.nc.us>
- Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2002 10:33:08 -0500
- Thread-index: AcKlTeLhIExwWbFZRuahO/WNzp8cxABXDOOw
- Thread-topic: RE: [GreenYes] Scientific Breakthrough Liberates Energy Users from Fossil Fuel
Please see the following web article from the Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory for a discussion on the regenerative fuel cell (uses water to produce
hydrogen to produce electricity with production of water as a byproduct to be
cycled back to hydrogen production - albeit requiring an external energy
source - solar, wind, etc. - to drive the reaction).
It seems the only thing lacking is funding for research and development
(big surprise).
You are right, and you are wrong. There is no perpetual motion machine, so you
are entirely correct about the law of thermo dynamics (energy is never gained or
lost, just changed into a different form). HOWEVER... I don't want you to get
misguided into thinking that fuel cells run on hydrogen which was seperated from
water through solar or wind (or some other form of clean energy) is not
possible. In fact, this technology already works. -- If I were a carbon-pusher I
would try and convince the environmental community that there is no solution to
creating clean, abundant and entirely sustainable energy for our country. But
there is. It's all very simple science, if you want to understand it. -- If you
do nothing else, read THE HYDROGEN ECONOMY by Jeremy Rifkin. It explains the
technolgy as well as the politics behind it. -- We are at a critical point in
the history of this country. ! We are being led down the wrong path by a
government that represents the special interests of a small group of people
invested into "traditional" energy (traditional - for lack of a better word).
They will use our kids as cannonfodder to keep holding on to their profits, they
will continue to poison our planet and threaten our health, and they will tax us
to build infrastructure so that they can continue to keep us dependent on a
commodity that they will sell us! And they will fight anything and anyone that
gets in the way of their profits. You will hear a lot of misinformation about
hydrogen (as you have been hearing about other issues recently). Solar energy
and fuel cells have helped us explore the solar system, and have helped us
travel to the moon and back. You know they will run a house or a car, if they
can run a spacecraft. It's up to you to get your own information. HYDROGEN
WORKS! It's the only positive future we can create for ourselves!!! I am no
longer on green-! yes (too much e-mail), but would be happy to communicate on t!
his issue with anyone who may be interested. I'm at <mischi@nr.infi.net>.
Please read the book! I don't agree with the proposition that biomass is clean
(only renewable, and I'm a purist!), but I go along with 95% of what Jeremy
Rifkin has to say. Hope this makes you curious! READ, people! Mischi
original message
Subj: RE: [GreenYes] Scientific Breakthrough
Liberates Energy Users from Fossil Fuel Dependence
Date: 12/14/02
5:13:36 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: SPENDELOW.Peter@deq.state.or.us
To: greenyes@grrn.org
from the Internet (Details)
This press release that was posted on
E-WIRE describes what it says is a self-contained machine that somehow breaks
water into hydrogen and oxygen using less energy than is produced when you burn
hydrogen and oxygen to make water. Anyone who has completed basic high
school science courses should know that this is impossible. If it were
possible, you would have a machine that without any net inputs can produce
energy - a "perpetual motion" machine. It would burn hydrogen and oxygen
to produce lots of energy, take part of that energy to separate the hydrogen and
oxygen again, burn them again to produce lots more energy, and so on. The second
law of thermodynamics says that such a machine cannot exist.
Thus, it
seems you should be skeptical of press releases you read on E-WIRE.
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2002 15:00:05 -0600
From: Stephan
Pollard <sp@cast.uark.edu>
Subject: [GreenYes] Scientific Breakthrough
Liberates Energy Users from Fossil Fuel Dependence
Though folks
might be interested in this press release found on
post to the greenyes list,
email to: greenyes@grrn.org
faq and netiquette info for
this list are available
Please be sure to read the faq and
pages before
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