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Re: [GreenYes] glass aggregate specs
A suggested list of Web resources based on my September 2001 Recycling in
Cyberspace column topic on state highway recycling programs can be accessed
from the following weblink: column

I would pay close attention to the work posted to the Web by the MN OEA on
the use of glass cullet as road base material.

FYI - Resource Recycling has posted links to all Web resources mentioned in
my columns published since August 2001.

Roger M. Guttentag

----- Original Message -----
From: Brian Pugh <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 3:19 PM
Subject: [GreenYes] glass aggregate specs

> Does anybody know where I can find a list of states with approved specs
through their respective DOT's that detail recycled glass for construction
aggregate?  I've tried the Federal Highway Administration but have had no
response.  I was hoping that someone could point me to a good source.
> Brian Pugh
> City of Fayetteville
> Solid Waste and Recycling
> 479-571-1688

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