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Re: [GreenYes] recycling on univeristy campuses

The National Recycling Coalition's College and University Recycling Council (CURC) is finishing a web-based primer on C&U recycling...look for is sometime this the mean time, try to get real responses to your questions from the experienced perspective of live CURC members...

Let me know if have any other concerns

Pete Pasterz, Manager
Office of Recycling and Waste Management
Michigan State University

Chair, College and University Recycling Council
Vice President, National Recycling Coalition

"UNLESS someone like YOU cares a whole awful lot,
 nothing is going to get better.   It's not." -- The Lorax

>>> "Susan Bush" <> 06/11/02 01:22PM >>>
Could any of you provide me with your insights regarding the best way to promote on-campus recycling, and initiate such programs? 
I have seen programs that use the students (through an environmental group) but of course the administration has to buy in as well... Any input on what approach is successful, how to sustain such a program,  and any examples you could provide would be most appreciated! Thanks!

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