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Re: [GreenYes] Rain Barrel Collection Questions
Wendy, rain and snow do have some nitrogen in them, some natural, some not
so natural.

Natural N is particularly high in electrical storms, but can also be present
from volatilized N, particles containing N, and so on.

Here's a website turned up by a Google search,

Looks like some good links there, too

I use rainbarrels here in Montreal, for gardening but not for drinking
water; I breathe the polluted air so feel the rain, passed into my rich
organic soil, compost piles and worm beds, gets its chance to be remediated
and be useful. After all, it falls on the garden anyway.

Folks have used cisterns to collect rainwater for household use for a great
long while. I've not heard of a municipality subsidizing rainbarrels, but
that doesn't mean it isn't happening somewhere.

Frank Teuton---he'll be rolling out the barrel sometime in April, when it
stops being winter in his neck of the woods....

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wendy Oldenbrook" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2002 1:43 AM
Subject: [GreenYes] Rain Barrel Collection Questions

> Hello-
>     I am writing an article about adding  rain barrel water collection
> systems to homes
> as a way to conserve water - and in my web search I found an article
> that claimed rain water had natural nitrogen in it? Is this true?
>     Second, I live in the Denver, Colorado area and many of our local
> municipalities have offered compost bins to residents at a reduced
> cost.  I was wondering if you knew of any municipalities that have had
> similar programs with rain barrels?
>     Thanks in advance for your help,
>     Sincerely,
>         Wendy Oldenbrook

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