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RE: [GreenYes] municiple solid waste and recycling director
- Subject: RE: [GreenYes] municiple solid waste and recycling director
- From: "Doris Cellarius" <Doris@Cellarius.net>
- Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 09:12:10 -0700
- Importance: Normal
My recommendation would be Peter Guttchen with the City of Olympia,
Washington. I moved away two years ago but Olympia is a Sustainable City
and the Solid Waste/Waste Reduction Committee worked to attract businesses
that would recycle materials recycled in our county. There is a strong
ethic of reuse there, for building materials, green waste, etc. Some very
interesting materials were recycled locally.
Doris Cellarius
621 Park Avenue, Prescott, AZ 86303-4044
e-mail: doris@cellarius.net
Phone: 520-778-6724; FAX: 253-830-7675
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-greenyes@grrn.org [mailto:owner-greenyes@grrn.org]On Behalf
Of melissa terry
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2001 7:57 PM
To: Roger Guttentag; greenyes@grrn.org
Subject: [GreenYes] municiple solid waste and recycling directordear recyclers,
our urban community (approx. 60,000) is in the process
of overhauling our municiple solid waste and recycling
division and i need your advice!
currently, our program is a mixed bag...we have a good
curbside recycling program that's sorted upon
collection, an ineffective volume-based solid waste
program and and a so-so leaves/limbs composting
we have recently elected a new mayor who supports
sustainable environmental policies when they
demonstrate economic feasibility and community
support. our city council is also supportive of
progressive measures.
our community has never had an educator working soley
on sustainable environmental practices (until me!), we
currently have no division director and we are in the
midst of a total program overhaul to boot.
my questions are:
1) how would you go about recruiting recycled products
manufacturers to invest their business in your
2) who has a good lead on recycled content recyling
3) what is one city in your mind that is "walking the
walk" with ordinances, practices and policies?
4) who would be an experienced person with a sucessful
track record that you would recommend to be available
to consult with key players in our city?
thanks in advance for any and all leads!
melissa terry
sustainable environment educator
city of fayetteville
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