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Re: [GRRN] Jeffords likely to head Sen. Environment Committee
Ann Schneider wrote:
> Daily Grist May 24, 2001
> Explaining his motivation to leave the Republican Party and become an
> Independent, U.S. Sen. James Jeffords (Vt.) this morning listed
> "energy and the environment" as two of the "fundamental issues" where
> he disagreed most strongly with President Bush.  Jeffords is known as
> an environmentalist and was one of six founders of the Congressional
> Solar Energy Coalition.  Reports are that Jeffords will be the next
> chair of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee under an
> agreement with the new Democratic leadership.  If so, Jeffords, with
> an 81 percent rating from the League of Conservation Voters in the
> last session of Congress (the second highest rating among all
> Republicans), would replace Sen. Bob Smith (R-N.H.), who received a 6
> percent rating.

our media say that he will chair the environment and public works
committee, and one Jeff Bingham will take the chair of the energy
committee - I would like to write them both, so they may act now to halt
the nuclear drive in it's track - any e-mail addresses?


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