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[GRRN] Zero Waste Cafeteria? & Unimog
I am looking for a commercial case study on an institutional or
organizational cafeteria that sends all its food scraps for composting, buys
in bulk, recycles its containers and uses biodegradable utensils and has
switched to non-disposable dishes and purchased a dishwasher etc...
Cost-benefit quantitative analysis would be a bonus.  Please send info. to

Great and welcome discussion on the juggernaut SUVs trends and associated
responsibility for changes in consumption patterns.  Especially in the back
drop of prolific climate change phenomena, reversing air quality
legislation, special interest lobbies, confused citizens and a comatose
white house.  Of course its not their fault, its the cumulative toxicity of
air pollutants that has a drug-like drowsy effect on Capitol Hill.

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