Title: [GreenYes] Alberta doubles deposit, adds milk containers.
Talk about your short lead time - Alberta announced today that on
November 1 - just 10 days away - they are doubling the deposit on
beverage containers that are a liter or smaller in size, and raising
the deposit on containers larger than a liter from 20 cents to 25
cents. They can take this quick action because their law does not
require containers to be labeled with the deposit value, so you do not
need to give companies the lead time to develop and print new labels
and distribute the newly-labeled product.
Alberta is also adding milk bottles to their bottle bill. This is
probably the first time that milk containers have been covered under
deposit legislation anywhere.
Note also that Alberta has an 85% goal for redemption of containers.
They are below that now, but this raising of the deposit will probably
get them there or well above.
Thanks to Clarissa Morowski of CM Consulting for passing this along.
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