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Not sure how anyone can respond to studies done in 1996 today. Energy prices, technology and systems changes, growing public awareness of environmental problems, you name it. We¹re living here in the future. If any debate needs to be had in this field, it¹s why there isn¹t more funding for real research and and data gathering and less rhetoric?on all sides! David Biddle Greater Philadelphia Commercial Recycling Council on 9/22/06 7:33 PM, LWheeler45@no.address at LWheeler45@no.address wrote: > > Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management 1996, 23(4), 219-225 (Eng.) > The author addresses the issue of improving the economics of recycling from > the curb to a materials recovery facility (MRF). The shortcomings of recycling > technology are examined and suggestions are made to reduce recyclable > materials collection costs. They include: adoption of the "wet/dry" system to > separate organic garbage and inorganic recyclables; design and standardization > of an automated collection vehicle that can separate light and heavy > recyclable materials; a single discharge point for the automated collection > vehicle to the MRF; and conveyor systems to route loads deposited into > different process trains. The article also discusses the design aspects of > mechanical integration of the MRF with the automated collection vehicles. > Public Perception of Strategies for Increasing Participation in Recycling > Programs > Nyamwange M. > The Journal of Environmental Education 1996, 27(4), 19-22 (Eng.) > The question of how to increase public participation in recycling programs to > reduce economic and environmental costs of municipal solid waste is addressed. > A random survey conducted in Jersey City, New Jersey, asked households what > would induce full participation of the residents in the community. Questions > included: reasons for not recycling, channels of awareness for recycling > programs, potential sites for recycling containers, and changes that may > increase recycling participation. The survey indicated that public information > campaigns emphasizing the advantages of recycling ranked first among the top > four changes needed to stimulate participation. > > > > > > -- David Biddle, Executive Director <http://www.blueolives.blogspot.com> Greater Philadelphia Commercial Recycling Council P.O. Box 4037 Philadelphia, PA 19118 215-247-3090 (desk) 215-432-8225 (cell) <http://www.gpcrc.com> Read In Business magazine to learn about sustainable businesses in communities across North America! Go to: <http://www.jgpress.com/inbusine.htm> --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GreenYes" group. To post to this group, send email to GreenYes@no.address To unsubscribe from this group, send email to GreenYes-unsubscribe@no.address For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/GreenYes -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~--- |
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