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With apologies for cross-postings: In case you missed our email on Tuesday about the front-page story on the MSNBC website ("Plastic bottles pile up as mountains of waste," by Miguel Llanos), here is the link: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5279230/ They are conducting a Live Vote poll with the question, "Should Congress pass a national law requiring a deposit on all beverage containers?" As of 12:30 today, there have been over 6920 responses, with the results running: Yes 83% No 13% Can't decide 4% To cast your vote, go to http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7064722/ MSNBC also has a feedback section that's compiled from email received by reporters. So any email the reporter (Miguel Llanos [miguel.llanos@no.address] gets on this story will be forwarded to the letters editor. Miguel's byline and mugshot are links, so folks can also send email that way. **************************************** Jenny Gitlitz and Pat Franklin Container Recycling Institute 1601 North Kent Street, Suite 803 Arlington, VA 22209-2105 TEL: 703.276.9800 FAX: 703.276.9587 EMAIL: pfranklin@no.address http://www.container-recycling.org http://www.bottlebill.info |
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