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[greenyes] MSNBC readers' poll: "Should Congress pass a national deposit law?"

With apologies for cross-postings:

In case you missed our email on Tuesday about the front-page story on the
MSNBC website ("Plastic bottles pile up as mountains of waste," by Miguel
Llanos), here is the link:

They are conducting a Live Vote poll with the question, "Should Congress
pass a national law requiring a deposit on all beverage containers?" As of
12:30 today, there have been over 6920 responses, with the results running:

Yes 83%
No 13%
Can't decide 4%

To cast your vote, go to

MSNBC also has a feedback section that's compiled from email received by
reporters. So any email the reporter (Miguel Llanos
[miguel.llanos@no.address] gets on this story will be forwarded to the
letters editor. Miguel's byline and mugshot are links, so folks can also
send email that way.

Jenny Gitlitz and Pat Franklin
Container Recycling Institute
1601 North Kent Street, Suite 803
Arlington, VA 22209-2105
TEL: 703.276.9800
FAX: 703.276.9587
EMAIL: pfranklin@no.address

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