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[greenyes] National Recycling Market Development Roundtable - Sept. 2 in Oakland, CA

National Recycling Market Development Roundtable
September 2, 2004 - Oakland, California
Every year, state and local recycling officials gather at the EPA Jobs
Through Recycling Roundtable to share insights and discuss new
developments and barriers associated with recycling market development
in the United States. The Roundtable is hosted by an EPA region and held
in a different location each year. Recent meetings have been in Chicago,
Illinois, Charleston, South Carolina, and Shepherdstown, West Virginia.

This year the Roundtable will be held at Preservation Park in Oakland,
California, on September 2. This is the same week as the National
Recycling Coalition Annual Congress and the Deconstruction and Building
Materials Reuse Conference. We hope that holding the Roundtable with
these other conferences will allow more people who need to justify
travel expenses to attend.

Registration is free, and you can register online at On Wednesday night, September 1, we invite you
to join other Roundtable attendees at the ThirstyBear Brewing Co. in San
Francisco for an informal social gathering. Please indicate on the
registration form if you are interested in attending. We hope to see you

7th National Recycling Market Development Roundtable
Preservation Park
Room: Robinson B
1233 Preservation Park Way
Oakland, California 94612


Wednesday, September 1, 2004
6:00 - 7:30 PM Meet up at the ThirstyBear Brewing Co.
Relax and network with your fellow market developers at this local
661 Howard Street
San Francisco, CA 94105

Thursday, September 2, 2004
Preservation Park, Room: Robinson B
1233 Preservation Park Way
Oakland, California 94612

9:00 AM Welcoming remarks and overview

9:15 AM Challenges to Recycling: Discuss with Richard Keller, Maryland
Environmental Service, the problems between collectors, haulers, and
processors that impede recycling and why the players need to work
together to make the system work as a whole.

10:00 AM Challenges to Recycling: Paper recovery is at an all-time high.
Can the supply of recovered paper keep up with the demand for it? Cathy
Norris from the American Forest and Paper Association (AF&PA) will
discuss paper markets as well as AF&PA's goal of 55 percent recovery.

10:45 AM Break

11:00 AM Measurement: State of Garbage In America - What The Data Shows
Nickolas Themelis, co-author of BioCycle magazine's State of Garbage in
America report, will discuss the results of the national survey and how
recycling is measured.

11:45 AM Lunch - on your own

1:00 PM Commodities: Paper contamination in single stream systems
continues to foster debate over which is better - sorting or single
stream. Susan Kinsella, Executive Director of Conservatree, will discuss
a recently completed study of the issue.
1:45 PM Commodities: Food waste makes up a substantial portion of the
waste stream, and Terry Brennan, California Integrated Waste Management
Board, will share details about its successful organics program.

2:30 PM Break

2:45 PM Roundtable: Participants share updates on their programs and
discuss successes and challenges in their regions.

5:00 PM Wrap-up

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