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[greenyes] Sorting Organic Wastes?

Hi all.
I'm curious. Anybody know of studies/data supporting or refuting the Dutch conclusion (see below) that sorting organics is a waste of time from the environmental point of view? Or practical experience (at municipal scale or larger) along those lines?

Source: Milieu Magazine (Netherlands), June 2004

Waste Sorting Not Green Any More

According to an as yet unpublished report from the Dutch Waste Disposal Consultative Committee (AOO), sorting vegetable waste for recycling is no longer green, and local authorities can stop requiring it. The environmental advantages are far from clear – but how is the news to be broken to consumers?

The subject is certainly a difficult one. On 11 March, the AOO was supposed to make a decision and recommend to the Secretary of State, M. van Geel – who had specifically asked for it – to abandon the collection of vegetable waste currently required by law.
Officially, local authorities “will have greater autonomy in the collection of organic waste.”

The participants in the AOO would like to present the issue in such a way that local authorities, despite having less freedom to act, will continue to process vegetable waste separately. The message is that from the point of view of environmental health, collection and incineration are no better or worse than separation and composting. So a major publicity campaign aimed at consumers will be required – otherwise they might think that sorting waste is unimportant or, worse, that they have been wasting their time sorting waste for the last ten years. The AOO expects that local authorities will continue to collect sorted waste, purely for cost reasons as transporting this waste to the incinerator is more expensive.
Info: t.hirdes@no.address; vaop@no.address; w.elsinga@no.address

Sr. Keith E. Ripley
Temas Actuales LLC
6333 Beryl Road
Alexandria, VA 22312-6304 EE.UU
telefone: 703-813-6016
telefax: 703-813-6017
cel. 703-731-7108
e-mail: keith.ripley@no.address

Autor do livro "Solid Wastes and Recycling Policy in Latin America & the Caribbean"

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