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Thanks for posting your message asking for data on municipalities which follow Zero Waste programs. There is no one city that has fully implemented every aspect of a Zero Waste program, but there are many places which have taken significant steps towards Zero, especially on the recycling side. GAIA's full Zero Waste vision includes recycling, but also goes beyond recycling. We will never solve our "waste problem" only at the back end, so to fully implement Zero Waste, we need to combine recycling and waste diversion with upstream approaches to reduce the total volume and toxicity of materials used. However, here are some resources to learn about places which have implemented positive steps towards Zero. If others have additional resources, please post those and we can keep all these on the GAIA website so it is easier for people to link to them from one place. Institute for Local Self Reliance, www.ilsr.org has documented successful recycling programs in many US cities. They have a bunch of publications available on their website, such as "Cutting the Waste Stream in Half: Community Record Setters Show How." In California, there is a statewide goal to divert 50% of 1990 waste levels from landfills and incineration. Some counties have raised the goal to 75% and San Francisco has adopted a Zero Waste goal. In these places, there are a number of successful programs. San Francisco now has curbside collection of food waste so city residents separate their organic waste which is all sent to a huge composting facility. Alamdea county subsidez low cost back yard composting bins and has sold about 50,000 of them to residents. Even though it costs them money to subsidize the bins, they recover the costs by decreasing the amount of waste they have to collect (that is the Avoided Disposal Cost which is often left out of recycling/composting calculations). See www.stopwaste.org and www.sfenvironment.com. There is a huge amount of data on the diversion levels reached and costs in California, so this may be the best single source of the info you seek. Also see the Grassroots Recycling Network, www.GRRN.org, for great educational material on Zero Waste, examples of businesses which have reduced waste significantly and copies of Zero Waste resolutions and activities mostly in the U.S. but some international. The Toxics Use Reduction Institute in Massachusetts is also a great resource. Through the work of this institute and the State's fantastic Toxics Use Reduction Act there has been a 50% decrease in toxic chemicals used by industries in Massachusetts. Of course, less toxic chemicals used means less toxic waste and toxic-contaminated products that enter the discard stream. See www.turi.org. Also see Clean Production Action and the Lowell Center for Sustainable Production for more ideas on clean production. www.cleanproduction.org and www.uml.edu/centers/LCSP Health Care Without Harm has done tremendous work in promoting waste reduction in health care settings, and ensuring safe treatment of infectious waste without incineration, www.noharm.org Other resources: Zero Waste New Zealand Trust: www.zerowaste.co.nz "Creating Wealth from Waste" by Robin Murray, Demos publishing, UK Also, later this month GAIA members around the world will release a report which looks at the costs of intensive recycling and composting versus incineration focusing on cases in less-industrialized countries. For California, the general website address is www.ciwmb.ca.gov for information on all aspects of the California programs. We worked with the Institute for Local Self-Reliance and others on 24 case studies of model local government waste diversion programs in the year 2000. Those case studies can be found at: http://www.ciwmb.ca.gov/LGLibrary/Innovations/ It's particularly important for local governments to get involved in the upstream side of advocating for extended producer responsibility (EPR), and designing wastes out of the system. GRRN has some great producer responsibility campaigns on their website at: http://www.grrn.org/epr/index.html. As a first step, local governments could endorse the Extended Producer Responsibility Principles developed by the EPR Working Group at http://www.eprworkinggroup.org/index.php. Next, local governments could adopt resolutions on: a.. Beyond Recycling: Zero Waste... Or Darn Close b.. The Electronics Junkpile: Environmental Hazard, Unfunded Mandate c.. Not an Ounce of Responsibility: Coke, Pepsi and Plastic Bottle Waste d.. Burying Organics Stinks: The Compost Solution e.. Build Community Assets by Eliminating Waste Sample resolutions are all found at: http://www.grrn.org/localgov/index.html In addition, one of the best websites on EPR is Clean Production Action at: http://www.cleanproduction.org/AAbase/default.htm To design wastes out of the system, one of the best tools to engage people is organizing Zero Waste at special events (like conferences or community festivals). As an example, Zero Waste was the goal at the Salt Lake Olympics. See info on their successes at: http://www.grrn.org/olympics/olympics_update_01-21-02.html I hope this is helpful. Ann Leonard /Gary Liss Ricanthony@no.address RichardAnthonyAssociates.com San Diego, California |
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