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[greenyes] Re: greenyes Digest 31 Mar 2004 00:48:38 -0000 Issue 126

Cost per Ton
813 by: Christine McCoy <cmccoy@no.address>

Bill: Try the weekly, Waste News, they have good hist. data on pricing
for recyclables. Also Bill Moore, paper consultant out of Atlanta
publishes on paper pricing sometimes in Resource Recycling.
-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Murphy [mailto:lbmurphy@no.address]
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 10:10 PM
To: cmccoy@no.address
Subject: Cost per Ton

I am trying to find some historical data on the cost per ton
recycled materials over the past 10 years.
I am looking for the cost data in quarterly increments over the
10 years.
The recycled materials that I am interested in are:- paper,
cardboard, glass, plastics, tin, aluminum, refundable cans and
Bill Murphy


Regarding Diversion of Organics. The cost of our commercial food waste
collection is about $75/ton collected & delivered to the composting
facility 35 miles from here where they aerobically make class A compost.
The cost of commercial waste collection & disposal in our area is about
the same. Thus the economics of diverting commercial food waste,
especially right now when the COunty is covereing recycling costs and
the food store operator has to pay if it's going to waste, are quite
attractive. we've gotten the first two stores of a large chain grocery
store. chain. With our modest 20 store and restaurant program we
already estimate diverting over 15% of the County's commercial food

From: "Art Krenzel" <phoenix98604@no.address>
Subject: Re: [greenyes] Incineration vs. landfill
Why are burn or bury the only two options?

Why not use source separation to generate "clean food waste" and
contaminated paper as feedstock for an anaerobic digester to produce
from the organics? The waste solids from the biogas project could
feedstocks for a class A compost which could be recycled to the
community as
a revenue resource?

Art Krenzel, P.E.
10505 NE 285TH Street
Battle Ground, WA 98604
360-666-1883 voice

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rod" <rodmuir@no.address>
To: <greenyes@no.address>
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 9:52 AM
Subject: [greenyes] Incineration vs. landfill

I wonder, if we might approach this from another direction.
Presuming that for the near term we need to either burn or bury waste
my question has always been
what are the items in the waste stream you most certainly want to
after traditional recycling prior to disposal

My list based on average (?) knowledge.

From landfill
(While you may capture some gas compost 50 feet underground is of no
We must be returning soil to our increasingly depleted farmland)

From incineration

From both
Batteries (cad. & lead)
Thermostats thermometers (mercury)

Rod Muir
Waste Diversion Canada

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