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CAPITOL HILL HEARING TESTIMONY SENATE ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS FISCAL 2005 BUDGET: EPA PROGRAMS March 10, 2004 TESTIMONY-BY: MICHAEL O. LEAVITT, ADMINISTRATOR U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY ".the President's budget request for EPA reflects the Agency's commitment to cleaning our air, cleansing our water, and protecting our land efficiently and effectively, while sustaining economic growth. The request promotes EPA's goals by facilitating collaboration, harnessing leading-edge technology, and creating market-based incentives for environmental protection." "Clear Skies legislation would slash emissions of three power plant pollutants--nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide, and mercury--by 70 percent. Such emissions cuts are an essential component of improving air quality and thus environmental and human health." "The core of EPA's climate change efforts are government/industry partnership programs designed to capitalize on the tremendous opportunities available to consumers, businesses, and organizations to make sound investments in efficient equipment and practices." "EPA is also advancing water quality trading in voluntary partnerships on a watershed basis. It capitalizes on economies of scale and cost differences among sources. Trading allows one source to meet its regulatory obligations by using pollutant reductions gained by another source and provides incentives for voluntary reductions at a reduced cost to all." "This budget continues EPA's commitment to clean up toxic waste sites with $1.4 billion for Superfund. This reflects a $124 million increase over the FY 2004 appropriated level for Superfund's remedial program, which will allow for 8-12 additional construction starts in 2005 and a similar number of additional completions by 2006." "The Great Lakes are the largest system of fresh surface water on Earth, containing roughly 18 percent of the world's supply. The Great Lakes basin also is home to more than one-tenth of the population of the United States, one-quarter of the population of Canada, and heavy concentrations of industry. Over the years, industrial development has contaminated sediments throughout large areas of the lakes with toxics such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and heavy metals, putting large populations and the tremendous water resource at risk. EPA's Great Lakes Legacy program provides funding to remediate contaminated sediments, keeping them from entering the food chain where they may cause adverse effects to human health and the environment. In 2005, this Administration will demonstrate its commitment to the health and well-being of the region and its citizens by proposing to fund the Great Lakes Legacy program at $45 million, nearly five times greater than previous levels." "The Agency's implementation of FQPA focuses on science-driven policies for pesticides review, seeks to encourage the development of reduced risk pesticides to provide an alternative to the older versions on the market, and works to develop and deliver information on alternative pesticides/techniques and best pest control practices to pesticide users. Reassessing existing tolerances ensures food safety, especially for infants and children, and ensures that all pesticides registered for use meet current health standards." "The Agency uses a "smart" enforcement approach, employing a mix of compliance assistance, incentives and monitoring strategies, supported by strong, effective civil and criminal enforcement and litigation teams. This "smart" approach maximizes the use of the Agency's resources and personnel, and allows us to quickly and effectively adapt both to emerging environmental threats and to changes in law and policy." "Sound science is a fundamental component of EPA's work. The Agency has long relied upon science and technology to help discern and evaluate potential threats to human health and the natural environment. Much of our decision-making, policy, and regulatory successes stem from reliance on quality scientific research aimed at achieving our environmental goals. In FY 2005 EPA will strengthen the role of science in decision-making by using sound scientific information and analysis to help direct policy and establish priorities. This budget request includes $572 million for the Office of Research and Development to develop and apply strong science to address both current and future environmental challenges. The budget request includes important new or increased research efforts in the following areas: computational toxicology, data quality, and EPA's Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)--an EPA database of Agency consensus human health information on environmental contaminants." "The request demonstrates EPA's commitment to our principal objectives--safeguarding and restoring America's air, water, and land resources--by facilitating collaboration, harnessing leading-edge technology, creating market-based incentives, and ultimately finding a better way for environmental protection." ______________________________ Peter Anderson RECYCLEWORLDS CONSULTING Corp 4513 Vernon Blvd. Suite 15 Madison, WI 53705 Ph: (608) 231-1100 Fax: (608) 233-0011 Cell (608) 438-9062 email: anderson@no.address |
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