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Dear Sharon et. al, Given a choice, we believe that waste incineration -- especially mass burn waste incineration -- is the more evil choice over landfilling. Here's our thinking: -- Incineration produces additional toxic chemicals. Incineration does not eliminate or adequately control toxic emissions from today's chemically complex municipal discards. The heterogeneous mixture of natural and synthetic materials that comprises the urban discard stream undergoes a variety of chemical reactions during and after incineration. Even new municipal solid waste incinerators emit toxic metals, dioxins, and acid gases. Many of the 228 organic compounds found in incinerator emissions and ash are created during the incineration process. According to the 1999 dioxin and furan inventory from the U.N. Environment Programme, municipal waste incinerators are responsible for 69% of the dioxin in the global environment. -- Incinerators still rely on landfilling. Far from eliminating the need for a landfill, incinerators produce an ash residue that is toxic. -- Incinerators are expensive to build and operate and are the most costly option available for managing municipal discards. -- Incineration, perhaps more than landfilling, competes with source reduction, reuse, recycling and composting. Most incinerators require put-or-pay contracts stipulating that local governments deliver a guaranteed tonnage of material to the incinerator or pay a penalty. These contracts are a major disincentive to maximizing waste reduction, and thus an obstacle to zero-waste planning and strategies. With landfilling, if you reduce waste, you extend the life of your landfill. With incineration, you still have to pay. -- One alarming new trend is the increase in projects that use incinerator ash. Incinerator ash that comes from the stack may be classified toxic and require handling as hazardous waste, but if it is mixed with ash from the bottom of the burner, it may be labeled less toxic. Many efforts disperse this incinerator ash throughout the environment by mixing it into road sub-base materials, asphalt, concrete, and structural fill. ILSR's report for GAIA (the Global Anti-Incinerator Alliance/Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives), Resources up in Flames: The Economic Pitfalls of Incineration vs. a Zero Waste Approach in the Global South, is due to be released next month. The report lists 20 reasons why waste incineration is a losing financial proposition for host communities. While it focuses on communities in developing countries, it is relevant to any community considering an incinerator proposal. The importance of revealing the dramatic negative public health and environmental impacts of waste incineration was a critical starting point for the anti-incineration organizing battles of the l980's. These battles defeated 270 of 300 incinerators planned all across the US. Indeed, ILSR was among the first national groups to alert citizens of these environmental dangers. See our 1986 report, An Environmental Review of Incineration Technology. Throughout we urged the metaphor: Even if you could make the garbage go away by snapping your fingers and not harming the environment, we would still be against incineration! Why? Because incineration destroys the very materials that are needed to rebuild our communities and our national economy. Recycling is the key to all sustainable approaches to industrial society. It decentralizes the economy, reduces each community's footprint on the earth, allows for modern production without depleting or polluting natural resources, it builds community, it gives communities leverage against an oft-times volatile outside world, including giant landfill and incineration companies which seek monopoly control over 'waste' management. Recycling teaches our values and it reinforces them through daily habits. It comes naturally, and reminds us of our natural place. Recycling is important in its own right. Avoiding toxic pollution is a wonderful dividend of a sustainable society, one that reduces, reuses and recycles its materials as if communities and matter mattered. Neil Seldman, ILSR Brenda Platt, ILSR Institute for Local Self-Reliance 927 15th Street, NW, 4th Floor Washington, DC 20005 Phone (202) 898-1610 Fax (202) 898-1612 www.ilsr.org |
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