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This query will provoke lots of replies. WTE is discredited only to rise
"phoenix-like" from the ashes of public opprobrium and be hailed as the
solution to the landfill problem. Here in BC, the government is proposing that alternatives be subject to "science-based" comparison. This includes the traditional "3R hierarchy" of management systems BEFORE landfilling & WTE. Peter Montague and Paul Connett spent so many years providing, week after week, science-based evidence of the perils of WTE. With their work over the past two decades (!) citizens were able to block incinerator/WTE projects. I wonder if they can steer us to a single, easy-to-read, uptto-date publication where the arguments are set out in a way that can be passed forward to the public and elected officials. Helen. At 10:39 AM 3/8/2004, Sharon_Gates@no.address wrote: Dear GreenYes- |
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