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RE: [greenyes] Waste-to-Energy

At 10:58 AM 3/8/2004 -0800, Helen Spiegelman wrote:

Peter Montague and Paul Connett spent so many years providing, week after week, science-based evidence of the perils of WTE. With their work over the past two decades (!) citizens were able to block incinerator/WTE projects.

I wonder if they can steer us to a single, easy-to-read, uptto-date publication where the arguments are set out in a way that can be passed forward to the public and elected officials.


There is a book (100 pages) put together by Neil Tangri for the Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (July, 2003): "Waste Incineration, a Dying Technology."

I believe a suitable contact would be gaia@no.address, 1.510.524.4000, (Berkeley, CA.) I don't know how much it costs or how many copies they have around or any of that.


Alan Muller, Executive Director
Green Delaware
Box 69
Port Penn, DE 19731 USA
fax (302)836-3005

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