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[greenyes] Re: International Dialog on Discard Disposal

ilsr agrees to all these conditions and resolution. Neil Seldman

RicAnthony@no.address wrote:

> From The Global Recycling Council, California, USA
> Subject: International Dialog on Discard Disposal
> We are organizing an event for August 26-27 in San Francisco and we
> are preparing afunding request. We would like to show international
> support from other organizations and individuals. Please respond by
> e-mail that;
> 1. We can use your organization or personal name,
> 2. You or your organization plans to participate (virtual or
> actual),
> 3. You will provide ideas for new reports and identify analyses
> already done or underway, help us find the experts that would be good
> to recruit, and assist with potential sources of financial support.
> We need to have your agreement to endorse the meeting by March 15,
> 2004 to meet our deadline of securing funds by April 2004 for this
> event in August 2004.
> Resolution of Support for an International Dialog on Discard Disposal
> Whereas: The proper management of residential and commercial discards
> is an issue around the world.
> Whereas: Local governments have paid the cost of wasting these
> resources and suffered long term debt and environmental damage.
> Whereas: Now is the time to discuss and document the social costs and
> environmental impacts of modern disposal technologies.
> Whereas: The City of San Francisco California is a leader in the world
> for Resource Management.
> Whereas: San Francisco has a Zero Waste goal and is the host this year
> for the National Recycling Congress August 29-September 1, 2004.
> Whereas: San Francisco will provide dozens of tours of their current
> reuse, recycling and composting programs for pubic review.
> Whereas: The Global Recycling Council (GRC) is a Technical Council of
> the California Resource Recovery Association (CRRA) is asking for
> resolutions of support from organizations and individuals who would
> like to help promote and participate in an International Dialog on
> Discard Disposal to take place in San Francisco August 26 and 27.
> Whereas: The International Dialog will invite local and international
> experts will to testify, contribute written testimony and provide
> comments from the audience during this event; and the event will be
> recorded, transcribed and edited for publication. The International
> Dialog will include at least three focuses for its analysis:
> Incineration, Landfill, and Resource Management through product
> redesign and recycling and composting (zero waste).
> Therefore, be it resolved:_____________________ (name or
> organization), supports the International Dialog on Discard Disposal
> to take place in San Francisco August 26 and 27; and will help promote
> it and participate as much as possible; and urge that grant funds be
> made available to the GRC to assist in organizing this important
> international event.
> Signed:
> Date:
Neil Seldman

Institute for Local Self-Reliance
927 15th St., NW - 4th Flr.
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 898-1610 ext. 210
(202) 898-1612 [fax]

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