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From The Global Recycling Council, California, USA Subject: International Dialog on Discard Disposal We are organizing an event for August 26-27 in San Francisco and we are preparing a funding request. We would like to show international support from other organizations and individuals. Please respond by e-mail that; 1. We can use your organization or personal name, 2. You or your organization plans to participate (virtual or actual), 3. You will provide ideas for new reports and identify analyses already done or underway, help us find the experts that would be good to recruit, and assist with potential sources of financial support. We need to have your agreement to endorse the meeting by March 15, 2004 to meet our deadline of securing funds by April 2004 for this event in August 2004. Resolution of Support for an International Dialog on Discard Disposal Whereas: The proper management of residential and commercial discards is an issue around the world. Whereas: Local governments have paid the cost of wasting these resources and suffered long term debt and environmental damage. Whereas: Now is the time to discuss and document the social costs and environmental impacts of modern disposal technologies. Whereas: The City of San Francisco California is a leader in the world for Resource Management. Whereas: San Francisco has a Zero Waste goal and is the host this year for the National Recycling Congress August 29-September 1, 2004. Whereas: San Francisco will provide dozens of tours of their current reuse, recycling and composting programs for pubic review. Whereas: The Global Recycling Council (GRC) is a Technical Council of the California Resource Recovery Association (CRRA) is asking for resolutions of support from organizations and individuals who would like to help promote and participate in an International Dialog on Discard Disposal to take place in San Francisco August 26 and 27. Whereas: The International Dialog will invite local and international experts will to testify, contribute written testimony and provide comments from the audience during this event; and the event will be recorded, transcribed and edited for publication. The International Dialog will include at least three focuses for its analysis: Incineration, Landfill, and Resource Management through product redesign and recycling and composting (zero waste). Therefore, be it resolved: _____________________ (name or organization), supports the International Dialog on Discard Disposal to take place in San Francisco August 26 and 27; and will help promote it and participate as much as possible; and urge that grant funds be made available to the GRC to assist in organizing this important international event. Signed: Date: |
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