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Re: [greenyes] Impact of recycling requirements on newspaper circulation
There should be an 800 number mail boxes Etc take them

Check internet

At 11:07 AM 1/20/2004 -0600, Nancy Meyer Queen of All Good Things wrote:
I just got a call from our local grade school where they are installing
dozens of new computers.  They know where to take the cardboard boxes, but
what about the styrofoam forms, they ask.

I really want to turn over every stone for this person, who is a key player
in recycling in our area.  Could anyone point me to any kind of lead for a
styrofoam recycler within a 100 mile radius of Wahoo, Nebraska?  That
includes Lincoln and Omaha.

Thanks so much!

Nancy Meyer

Michele Raymond Publisher Recycling Laws International/ State Recycling Laws Update 5111 Berwyn Rd. Ste 115 College Park, MD 20740) 301/345-4237 Fax 345-4768

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