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Re: [greenyes] Trashed Recyclables and the Big Picture
- Subject: Re: [greenyes] Trashed Recyclables and the Big Picture
- From: Jerecycl@no.address
- Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2003 12:01:16 EDT
While I agree completely with Gary Liss that there should be much better
municipal contractual guidelines for and oversight of MRF's utilized to
process commingled recyclables from single stream curbside programs, these
guidelines alone will not keep residue rates at 5%. The reason is "garbage
in, garbage out". When localities and/or haulers ignore the importance of
educating residents on what is/is not recyclable in any given program, the
price they pay is high residue and this residue cannot be controlled by the
MRF. The City of Los Angeles is an excellent case in point. They have
contracted with some highly respected recyclers who have excellent marketing
track records and have invested in state-of-the art equipment. But residue
rates have remained at 20-22% for years because City staff has not
implemented effective education programs to correct this problem. Residents
want to recycle but are not provided with a credible and consistent
educational program detailing what materials should be placed into the "blue
bins". As a result, residents place all sorts of items into the bins in the
mistaken impression that they are helping recycling. Similarly, there is no
substantive program to correct deliberate misuse of recycling bins through
placement of refuse in these containers.
Joan Edwards
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