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[greenyes] Trashed Recyclables and the Big Picture

We've discussed this many times before, so I'm glad you acknowledge that there may be ways to collect commingled materials correctly. I believe San Francisco's Fantastic 3 program is a good example of that. In Hawthorne, CA, we have just completed a procurement for a new residential commingled recyclables system where we asked the proposers to provide evidence that Recyclables Processing Facilities achieve less than 5% residue. I believe a key to good systems design is for communities to establish strict requirements regarding residues like this. In addition, economic incentives could be used (as in Hawthorne) to make it in the proposer's interests, to increase recycling as well.

This will only work in communities (like Hawthorne in the Los Angeles metropolitan area) that have existing MRFs that can meet these standards, or in an area where procurements will define new standards for MRFs to meet in their area.

I don't think multi-national garbage companies need to be the only ones making the rules, although I agree with Peter's concerns about their strategic interests. I believe local governments could be encouraged to include these standards in future procurements, as Best Management Practices for commingled recyclables collection.

Gary Liss


At 10:59 AM 04/11/2003 -0500, Peter Anderson wrote:
The question, then, is whether single stream will be done properly or
not.  While there are and will continue to be instances of cases where it
is, we have to look at who controls most of the recycle collection in
America to assess what will be the dominant influence of single stream.  And

Gary Liss
Fax: 916-652-0485

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