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RE: [greenyes] Sorry - as a general lurker
- Subject: RE: [greenyes] Sorry - as a general lurker
- From: Helen Spiegelman <hspie@no.address>
- Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2003 08:42:36 -0700
Why are our Mayors and Councils willing to spend scarce public dollars to
clean up after the Disposable Society?
Where I live, Mayors and Councils put their collective feet down and
insisted that the provincial government (British Columbia) pass regulations
requiring the producers of specific household hazardous products (paint,
thinners, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, lube oil) provide programs for their
consumers at no cost to local governments. Today we don't have to budget
scarce tax dollars for collectin of these materials -- or for glass
beverage containers, which are included in our deposit/return program.
Why should cities and towns pay for programs that could and should be
provided by the producers, as a form of mandatory "extended warrantee"?
At 01:56 PM 04/10/2003 -0500, George Dreckmann wrote:
ya gotta have a budget to afford to add most material. Toxics demand
money to pay for proper disposal and most high volume materials demand an
increase in collection or [processing capacity. So, while you often get
long term benefits, you have to put up some cash to get things
going. And, with my budget at least, the Council and Mayor have to choose
between garbage and child care or some other needed social program when it
comes to new spending.
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