- Subject: Re: [GreenYes] Fwd: "Green" office paper at Staples
- From: Benjamin Marks <EcoBen@erols.com>
- Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 09:27:28 -0500
I agree with Amy. Let's show our support for something environmental
that has been brought to the forefront by a mainstream company. The general
environmental economic ideal and scope of America Recycles Day is to buy
If you want to get to local store specific ideals, why not arrange a meeting of
a local
conservation group with the manager of your local store to discuss how the store
could better meet environmental needs.
As far as getting Staples to change its policies for products that it offers,
not show general support for this featured product. Because Staples is an ARD
they have been brought to the table where we environmentalist and recycling
advocates sit.
Maybe this is the opportunity to assist them in transforming corporate behavior
through the
adoption of some environmental goals: i.e.
1) general usage of a higher post-consumer content recycled paper.
2) recycling of cardboard at store (most stores that I have seen do have
separate cardboard dumpsters or balers.)
One can still continue to support Greenline and other smaller companies
but if we don't show the mainstream of the marketplace that we support
recycled products and that there is a need for them, then we will always be
at loggerheads with them for failure to provide recycled products.
My two cents.
Ben Marks
Amy Bauman wrote:
> While I agree with the statement that I want to spend my money at an
> establishment that embodies my ideals ... I think it's more realistic to
> support general economic ideal, rather than local (store specific) ideals.
> Therefore ... while I abhor multinational politics, I support Nike in their
> quest to coalesce with organic cotton growers. While I abhor Mitt Romney, I
> think that Staples' attempt at selling tree-free paper is worth supporting.
> No one issue is black and white, and neither is the world.
> This is a fairly practically-minded listserve, so I hope you forgive my
> ramblings on a slightly ephemeral note. Is this too deep for a Tuesday
> night?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-greenyes@grrn.org [mailto:owner-greenyes@grrn.org]On Behalf
> Of Stephen N Weisser
> Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 8:10 PM
> To: greenyes@grrn.org
> Subject: RE: [GreenYes] Fwd: "Green" office paper at Staples
> I don't agree that Staples deserves our business, but I don't want to
> discourage anyone from participating in both of these very worthwhile
> promotions. I am pleased that Staples has taken these steps. I do,
> however, see them as nothing more than steps to shutup the people and groups
> who have been giving Staples heck over the past year or so. It's great that
> they're carrying recycled products, and it's great that they're carrying a
> few more recycled products than they were before environmental groups and
> individuals raised a stink...
> But what I really would like to see, and haven't, is a ***commitment.***
> For example:
> -If I want something copied in the copy center I must bring my own 100%
> recycled paper and I get charged as if they provided the paper to me.
> -If I request the recycled paper they offer in the copy center, it's less
> than 30% recycled. (This does beat many competition, such as CopyMAX, which
> offers NO recycled paper in their copy center at all.)
> -I'm still trying to figure out if my local Staples store is recycling
> office paper and cardboard generated in their store. I think they may have
> recently started to do so. If not, this is a lack of commitment to
> recycling, if so, I'm impressed that they're abiding by state law.
> -Why is recycled (<30% content) paper available only upon request? Why not
> use paper that is AT LEAST 10% recycled content as a standard in the copy
> center?
> -Why isn't Staples brand products recycled? With the exception of their
> copy paper (which is a very good small step!!) which is less than 30% (I
> think it's 10%).
> There are other examples...They could be doing much much better. They
> could, of course, be doing much much worse too. I still continue to take my
> business to GreenLine Paper http://www.greenlinepaper.com 1-800-641-1117,
> GreenLine is a company that truly DOES DESERVE OUR BUSINESS! From their
> catalog: "GreenLine pledges to meet the highest of customer expectations for
> exceptional environmental products and practices. We are dedicated to the
> long-term success of paper recycling and supporting only those paper mills
> that show leadership in utilizing recovered or alternative fiber sources and
> minimizing pollution in their manufacturing process...we are dedicated to
> selling only recycled and tree-free papers...we have found many products
> that are brightened without chlorine...we reuse shipping cartons...no new
> boxes...no foam peanuts...cartons are packed with recyclable paper...only
> post-consumer recycled or tree free fiber will be used for our catalogs or
> any other promotional materials...we do not sell customer names...we do not
> mark up shipping charges..." I don't see Staples (or OfficeMAX) making
> these commitments. And, no, I don't work for GreenLine.
> Steve Weisser
> Lancaster PA
> ----
> Stephen N. Weisser
> ----
> http://www.greenpartylancasterpa.org
> http://www.greenpartyus.org
> ----
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-greenyes@grrn.org [mailto:owner-greenyes@grrn.org]On Behalf
> Of Gary Liss
> Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 3:33 PM
> To: greenyes@grrn.org
> Subject: [GreenYes] Fwd: "Green" office paper at Staples
> >From: "George Rutherford" <grutherford@care2.com>
> >Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 14:59:00 -0500
> >
> >Happy America Recycles Day [November 15th]!!!
> >
> >..below is another good promotion from an ARD National Sponsor...
> >
> >George Rutherford
> >Co-op America / Fair Trade Federation
> >1612 K Street NW Suite 600
> >Washington, DC 20006
> >Direct Phone 202/872-5315
> >General Phone 202/872-5307
> >Fax 202/331-8166
> >
> >"A ship is safest in the harbor,
> >but that's not where it's meant to be"
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> > From: Jason Holstine [mailto:jasonh@aurum-sa.com]
> >Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 10:44 AM
> >Subject: "Green" office paper at Staples
> >
> >FYI: Staples now carries Living Tree "tree-free"
> >paper--it's 90% POST-consumer recycled content
> >and 10% hemp-flax...meaning there is no virgin
> >wood material. It's 24 pound weight; 91
> >brightness rating (bright white); acid-free;
> >process chlorine free. It's regularly $7/ream
> >but on SALE THIS WEEK FOR $3.90/ream (basically
> >the same price as regular paper).
> >
> >This is a great way to personally reduce your
> >tree consumption and it's a vote of support to
> >Staples--which will be important to get them to
> >keep carrying "enviro friendly" goods. Your
> >regular purchases of tree-free paper will
> >protect our forests, which are critical sinks
> >that absorb carbon and help control global
> >warming. In addition, there is less chemical
> >processing (versus regular paper), avoiding
> >significant emissions of air and water
> >pollutants.
> >
> >Also, this week, turn in a used inkjet printer
> >cartridge to Staples and get a free ream of 10-
> >30% recycled paper. Another great move by
> >Staples that deserves our business.
> >
> >Cheers,
> >
> >Jason Holstine
> >Aurum SustainAbility
> >jasonh@aurum-sa.com
> >voice: +1.301.528.6354
> >fax: +1.707.598.0386
> Gary Liss
> 916-652-7850
> Fax: 916-652-0485
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