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[GreenYes] Fwd: WasteWise C&D Building Challenge
- Subject: [GreenYes] Fwd: WasteWise C&D Building Challenge
- From: Gary Liss <gary@garyliss.com>
- Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2002 07:52:02 -0700
Apologies for Cross-Postings
>Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2002 17:17:10 -0400 (EDT)
>From: Sandler.Ken@epamail.epa.gov
>To: Multiple recipients of list <jtrnet@valley.rtpnc.epa.gov>
>EPA's "Jobs Through Recycling" Grants Network
>EPA's WasteWise program has a new initiative to get organizations --
>public, private and non-profit -- to reduce
>their waste from building construction, renovation, and demolition
>activities. The WasteWise Building Challenge is designed to help
>organizations expand their waste reduction efforts into the area of
>construction and demolition (C&D) debris, including reducing, reusing
>and recycling C&D debris and buying recycled building products.
>Advantages to organizations that pledge to the Challenge include
>potential cost savings, opportunities to get publicly recognized for
>their efforts and achievements, improved environmental performance, and
>technical assistance. WasteWise is offering general technical resources
>on the topic to all, and will be providing direct, hands-on technical
>assistance from C&D recycling experts to a limited number of partners
>with large building projects. In addition, the first 50 partners to
>pledge will receive a free CD full of green building information.
>Consider taking the next step by accepting the WasteWise Building
>The program is limited to partners of the WasteWise program, but it's
>free and relatively easy to join the program.
>For more information and related resources on the Building Challenge,
>visit the WasteWise Web site at:
><http://www.epa.gov/wastewise/wrr/cbuild.htm>. For info. on joining
>WasteWise, visit the WasteWise Program Overview page
><http://www.epa.gov/wastewise/about/overview.htm> or contact the
>WasteWise Helpline at 800-EPA-WISE or ww@cais.net.
>Ken Sandler
>Tel: 703-308-7255
>Fax: 703-308-8686
>US EPA (5306w)
>1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
>Washington, DC 20460
>EPA's C&D website: <www.epa.gov/epaoswer/non-hw/debris>
>EPA's Green Building website: <www.epa.gov/greenbuilding>
Gary Liss
Fax: 916-652-0485
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