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[GreenYes] Fwd: Fleecing of America-Recycling

Date: Wed, 09 Oct 2002 19:48:06 -0700
From: Gary Liss <>
Subject: Fleecing of America-Recycling
Cc:, Krebs-Kate,

You got it all wrong on tonight's Fleecing of America segment.  Recycling is one of the major SUCCESS STORIES in America, not an example of wasting money, which is the focus of your series. 

San Francisco is a leader in Recycling, but is by no means the exception.  Why do you think 140 million Americans have the opportunity to recycle now? 

In California, hundreds of communities are diverting as much or more waste from landfill as San Francisco.  Statewide, over 42% of the overall waste stream is being diverted from landfills.  That doesn't happen by magic.  It's been a lot of hard work by many communities and businesses over the past decade to increase recycling services offered.  What we have learned is, if you provide convenient recycling programs, they will be used.

If you want to get the true facts about recycling, see the websites of the GrassRoots Recycling Network at, the National Recycling Coalition at or the CA Integrated Waste Management Board at

The truth is that the American public knows a good thing when it sees it and are recycling because they know it really does save resources, protects the environment and creates ten times the jobs than wasting does.

Gary Liss

Gary Liss
Fax: 916-652-0485
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