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[GreenYes] RE: bikes, cyties and etc....
Hi Greenyesers,
I got this email this morning and  couldn't remember for the life of me...
so I went and searched the GRRN archives, and we did talk about bicycles in
October.  Here's the link:
However, it appears we spent more time debating plastic vs. metal in bikes
(Q: bikes aren't "disposable" commodities, are they? Oh, don't get me
started!) than responding to Ines about providing free bicycles for people
to ride around cities in lieu of using cars.
Can anyone help Rafael with links to organizations that provide bikes,
regardless of material, for free or to rent in urban areas to help reduce
traffic congestion and pollution?  I know there are groups that repair bikes
in the US and donate them to poorer countries, but I don't have any
resources at hand.
Thanks, friends,

 -----Original Message-----
From: 	Rafael Milani [] 
Sent:	Tuesday, May 14, 2002 7:36 PM
Subject:	bikes, cyties and etc....

Hi terry, hi Ines

I, ve just saw some conversations that you both had last year (october) on a

list (greenyes), and it was so interesting for me.I would like to know if 
this group that talk about bikes still working or it has finished.
I'm on the 5th year of industrial design in Curitiba at UFPR, city of 
Brazil, and my graduation project is about bycicles and my city.Mainly I 
intend to project a urban bike and its parking area(?, I dont know the 
translation for "mobiliário urbano"), simple and chep. Probably the material

of this bike will be iron, because it is the chepeast material that I can 
conform, using only hand-made production, in small industries over here. The

idea is make the best with what we have here.
My research is only begining, but if I can help you.....


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