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[GreenYes] Re: Recycling Glass
- Subject: [GreenYes] Re: Recycling Glass
- From: "Jeff Morris" <jeff.morris@zerowaste.com>
- Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 08:39:58 -0800
Additional points on this debate:
(1) The externalized costs for emissions of the 27
pollutants covered by the EPA DST model are not from
the EPA. The life cycle emission quantities for
pollutants assoiated with each type of discarded
material are from the EPA process. But the cost
estimates are from the literature of studies on
impact costs of emissions. This is a large
literature and I reported the range of cost
estimates reported in that literature. One
might "average" those estimates, but for me it's
more illuminating to note how wide the range of
estimates is. It denotes the extraodrinary
difficulty of estimating the cost of pollution.
(2) The interested reader can go to the City of
Seattle's website and view reported data on
contaminants (what the processing facility reported
as having to landfill versus the total tonnage
collected) for over ten years from three different
types of curbside recycling collection systems. In
sume, the northend, weekly pickup three 15 gallon
bin system (mixed paper, news, and commingled
containers) had annual contamination rates between
0.1% and 1.9%. The southend monthly, 90 gallon cart
plus hang on bin for glass and scrap metal had
annual contamination rates between 2.7% and 3.3%.
Seattle changed to a biweekly cart plus separate
glass bin system in 2000 for the entire city.
Materials collected were augmented at the same time
to include all plastic containers, except
polystyrene, and plastic films and bags.
Contamination rates have been at about 4% for the
two years since the changeover.
Even if one assigned a large portion of these
contaminants to glass, one wouldn't get the 30% to
50% throw away rates that some folks have been
talking about as a result of collecting glass
curbside. Those rates, as far as I can tell, are due
to a combination of a collection/processing system
that is not well designed and a failure to develop
markets for mixed color cullet. To me that's where
the problem lies. It does not imply we should throw
glass off the bus.
(3) I don't recall saying that one shouldn't do any
economic analysis. That would be a rather stupid
position for an economist in the research and
consulting business to take. What I hoped and
intended to say is that the currently collected
recyclables should all continue to be collected
because they all contribute to reducing upstream
ecological and public health impacts caused by using
virgin raw materials and fossil fuels. In fact we
should be expanding the range of materials we
recycle precisely because of those upstream
benefits, and we should add new materials to
curbside collections because that is the recycling
method that competes effectively and efficiently
with the garbage collection system for
Dr. Jeffrey Morris
Sound Resource Management - Bellingham Office
112 Ohio Street, Suite 202
Bellingham, WA 98225
360-738-0256 fax
www.soundresource.com or www.zerowaste.com
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