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[GRRN] NCRA presents Recycling Update 2001
Northern California  Recycling Association (NCRA) presents
               Recycling Update 2001
         "from out-of-touch to up-to-date"

Tuesday, March 6, 2001, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Lakeside Garden Center, Oakland
co-sponsored by the City of Oakland  Department of Public Works

Download brochure at

NCRA's Recycling Update conference  brings together the best and the
brightest from our area to reflect on the past and to redirect
tomorrow's agenda by striving to spread the collective wisdom of our
industry to everyone. The education committee selects talented
presenters to share the best that they know of what's being done in
their field around the country.  Last year more than 130 people joined
us. We hope you will join us  for Recycling update 2001.

- Review of year 2000 California legislation
- Outlook for reopening biofuels cogen facilities
- Diversion counting is still important
- New wet cleaning process ends dry cleaners' woes
- The on-line/on-phone scrap plastics recycling hotline
- The issues in the AGG case
- Oakland's green building checklist
- Why California makes more waste per capita than the rest of USA
- Community Woodworks after one year
- Measuring the benefits of waste prevention
- Impact of year 2000 bottle bill amendments on recycling volumes
- New diversion programs at community colleges
- What's happening with zero waste in New Zealand
- New leadership in San Francisco's recycling program
- Waste Board's Incentives for Recycling study
- Electronics diversion and recovery
- Oakland's C+D ordinance
- The coming study on Recycling's Economic Impact in California
- Why Berkeley went back to its Trash-for-Cash program
- Sonoma County Local Task Force looks twenty years ahead
- Finding a middle ground between the trash haulers and recyclers in the
    AGG case
- St. Vincent dePaul's mattress plant after eight months
- Recent equipment in C+D diversion
- Paying waste haulers to recycle more; a new program
- Agricultural markets remain strong for processed organics

-Ruth C. Abbe is a senior consultant at Brown, Vence and Associates, San
-Bill Armstrong is a senior manager at the Division of Recycling in the
Department of Conservation, Sacramento
-Rick Best is the policy director for Californians Against Waste, a
Sacramento advocacy organization.
-Susan Blackman works for the Environmental Finance Center in Alameda.
-Nina Carr-Bellucci is an employee of Moore Recycling Associates,
-Jeanne Clinton is the City of Oakland's sustainability coordinator.

-Ken Decio is a senior staffperson with the California Integrated Waste
    Management Board.
-Sean R. Edgar is a consultant with Edgar and Associates, Sacramento.
-Lisa Geller is project manager for Community Woodworks, Oakland.
-Richard Gertman is a principal and Andrea Hansen is a consultant with
    Environmental Planning Consultants, San Jose.
-Lyle Harris is project manager for the St. Vincent dePaul of Lane
    County's mattress diversion program in Oakland.

-Peter Holtzclaw is the Recycling Programs Manager for the Solid Waste
    Management Program for the City and County of San Francisco.
-Dan Knapp is president and general manager of Urban Ore, Berkeley.
-Gary Liss is principal with Gary Liss and Associates, Rocklin.
-John Douglas Moore is a partner with Henn, Etzel and Moore, a law firm
    in Oakland.
-Patty Moore is the Executive Director of the Plastic Recycling
   of California (PRCC) and President of Moore Recycling Associates.
-Ferial Mosley is an environmental specialist with the City of Oakland.

-Sammy Nasr is the former chairperson of the Sonoma County Local Task
-Mike Paparian is the newly-appointed environmental member of the
    California Integrated Waste Management Board.
-Ann Schneider is principal of Ann Schneider and Associates,
    Mountain  View
-Portia Maureen Sinnott is principal of Microservices, Sebastopol.
-Cyndi Skelhorn is a consultant with RW Beck's Los Angeles office.
-Gary Wolff is a visiting professor at the Monterey Institute of
    International Studies and a member of the Alameda County Waste
    Reduction and Recycling Board.
            - additional speakers and topics will be added -

All interested parties are welcome to attend NCRA's Recycling Update
2001 conference. The attendance fee is $60 for NCRA members and $75 for
non-members. This fee covers all conference material and lunch; a
vegetarian meal is available without prior arrangements.
Scholarships are available.
E-mail for more
- Receipts available at conference
- No confirmation will be sent

The Lakeside Garden Center is at 666 Bellevue Ave. in the middle of
Lakeside Park on the northshore of Lake Merritt in beautiful, downtown,
sunny Oakland.
It can be reached by numerous buses and is a 6-7 block walk from the
19th Street BART station. By car, take I-580 and exit at Grand Ave. and
proceed west along Grand Ave. (about 9 blocks) to Lakeside Park and
Bellevue Ave. All day parking is available in front of the building.
For more details, e-mail the NCRA office at

please complete a registration form for each conference attendee

$60 registration (members)
$75 registration (non-members)
$40 NCRA annual membership dues
$________ total amount enclosed

Home Phone
Work Phone

Mail completed form with a check to: NCRA, PO Box 5581, Berkeley, CA
94705, or fax this form to 510-562-4991 and bring your check to the
conference.  Download brochure at

"On great subjects there is always something more to be said,"
                                 - John Stuart Mill

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