RE: [GRRN] disposable diapers and convalescent homes

From: Brennan, Terry (
Date: Thu Sep 28 2000 - 12:55:14 EDT

  • Next message: Stephanie C. Davis: "[GRRN]"

    I conducted two waste assessments at convalescent homes. Both facilities
    use cloth diapers and pads for economic reasons. One facility estimated
    they went through about 450 adult diapers per day. If CRRA needs data on
    costs, I can give them contacts at these facilities.

    Terry S. Brennan
    Integrated Waste Management Specialist
    California Integrated Waste Management Board
    (916) 255-3291

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Heide Feldman []
    Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2000 9:45 AM
    To: multiple recipients of
    Subject: [GRRN] disposable diapers and fertility problems

    I happened to see an article in USA Today, I believe, yesterday (just
    happened to pick it up at the airport) which summarized a study showing that
    wearing disposable diapers may lead to infertility and testicular cancer in
    boys and later men, due to the higher temperatures from the plastic. To
    establish the greater temperature generated by the plastic diapers, they
    used micro-thermometers on the babies. Sorry I can't provide more detail,
    but hopefully you can still find the story.

    Another related item: the California Resource Recovery Association is
    planning to push for a change in Medicare funding that favors disposable
    over cloth diapers for adults. Medicare will pay for disposables but not

    Heidi Feldman
    Public Education Coordinator
    Monterey Regional Waste Management District
    Tel.: 831/384-5313 FAX: 831/384-3567

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