[GRRN] commerical burlap coffee bags questions

From: Stephanie C. Davis (ScD18@WasteReductionRemedies.com)
Date: Wed Sep 20 2000 - 16:24:38 EDT

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    What can be done with commercial burlap coffee bags?

    I picked one up today from a local wholesale & retail store for my worm bin
    and after chatting with staff about their excess bags and disposal issues,
    realized someone "out there" has probably dealt with this issue.

    I do know that not all burlap bags are made of the same material and some
    (all?) have toxic inks added for lettering and some (all?) may have toxic
    additives to the material. No clue on weight, strength and size

    How have they been reused on a large scale?
    Can they be recycled?, and if yes, co-mingled?
    Are any regional/county agencies advertising them for/using them for worm
    (and do the worms eat them, or is it just for moisture/insect control?)
    Do they decompose and thus can be composted?
    Can textile recyclers use them?
    Know of any specific case studies and contacts?
    Know any brokers for this product in the San Francisco CA area?

    Let me know, and the listserv, if appropriate. Thanks -Stephanie


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    Stephanie C. Davis - BFA, MPA Experienced Professional of Healthcare & Non-Residential Waste Programs

    Waste Reduction Remedies sm A Multi-Waste Stream, Multi-Material Waste Management Company

    1497 Hopkins Street #2D Berkeley CA 94702-1201 Telephone: 510/527-8864 Pacific Time Fax: call first E-mail: ScD18@WasteReductionRemedies.com

    Other Archives - Generated on : Wed Sep 20 2000 - 16:17:17 EDT