[GRRN] Lindane alternatives

From: Stephanie C. Davis (ScD18@WasteReductionRemedies.com)
Date: Wed Sep 20 2000 - 13:12:06 EDT

  • Next message: Stephanie C. Davis: "[GRRN] commerical burlap coffee bags questions"

    The below message is forwarded from a colleague working on lindane issues.
    Forward as appropriate and apologies for any duplications/multiple listserv

    The least toxic alternative for lice treatment is to comb hair
    thoroughly with a GOOD METAL comb. This removes lice and their eggs,
    thus eliminating the need to apply pesticide directly to the head. The
    non-profit National Pediculosis Association makes an excellent metal
    comb. Visit their web site at www.headlice.org or call them at
    781-449-6487 to order.

    If you feel you must use a pesticide, any of the treatments you purchase
    over-the-counter at a pharmacy are less toxic than lindane. Remember,
    however, that they are pesticides and must be used with extreme care.

    A prescription pesticide must be used to treat scabies. Any of the
    non-lindane prescription pesticides are less toxic than lindane.
    Remember in using any of them that you are spreading pesticide all over
    the human body. Use them *exactly* as directed.

         Stephanie  C. Davis - BFA, MPA
     Experienced Professional of Healthcare &
    Non-Residential Waste Programs

    Waste Reduction Remedies sm A Multi-Waste Stream, Multi-Material Waste Management Company

    1497 Hopkins Street #2D Berkeley CA 94702-1201 Telephone & Fax: 510/527-8864 Pacific Time E-mail: ScD18@WasteReductionRemedies.com

    Other Archives - Generated on : Wed Sep 20 2000 - 13:04:50 EDT