I manage a regional HHW program in southeast Minnesota. While we have
invested considerable effort on the state level in stewardship discussions
with the paint industry, we've not been very successful to date. I can,
however, report on the fantastic stewardship program Minnesota has in place
for pesticides. Here's the scoop:
A state law was passed in 1989 (The Groundwater Protection Act) which
required that all companies registering pesticides for use in the state of
Minnesota must pay surcharges, and annual application fees of 2/5 of one
percent of gross sales of those pesticides, into several funds (ACRRA and
the Waste Pesticide Program). These dollars are then used to fund the
cleanup of pesticide spills, and the costs related to the collection and
proper disposal of all pesticides, herbicides, disinfectants, etc.,
respectively. The MN Dept of Agriculture oversees both programs.
The Waste Pesticide Program includes an every other year collection of ag
pesticides in every county in the state. Additionally, it pays for all the
disposal costs related to any and all pesticides that are brought in to HHW
facilities between collections, whether from residential, commercial or
industrial sources. As a result, our HHW programs spend no local tax
dollars on the proper disposal of pesticides - a true ADF.
The Waste Pesticide Program is working nearly flawlessly, but came about
only after research was undertaken to determine how an effective program
must be structured. In the research phase various collections were held,
one which required residents to pay the full cost of disposal, one requiring
payment of a significant proportion of the cost, one requiring a nominal
payment, and one requiring no payment.
It's not to hard to figure out which collections were effective, i.e. which
brought in significant amounts of pesticides, is it? You're right, only
the totally free collections brought in significant volumes of pesticides.
As a result, Minnesota crafted a system wherein the cost of proper disposal
of pesticides was incorporated into its purchase price.
Attached is a link to the Office of Revisor of Statutues, wherein you will
find statutory language for the Waste Pesticide Collection Program. Select
the Minnesota Statutues and Minnesota Session Laws, and then retrieve
Chapter 18B.
If you're interested in electronic annual reports of these programs, I'd be
happy to try to provide them upon request.
Anne Morse
Environmental Specialist
Winona County Environmental Services
225 W 2nd St.
Winona, MN 55987
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sharon.Dowell@deh.CO.Santa-Clara.CA.US
> [SMTP:Sharon.Dowell@deh.CO.Santa-Clara.CA.US]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2000 12:10 PM
> To: multiple recipients of
> Subject: [GRRN] legislative language for EPR or ADF?
> Dear Colleagues:
> Although this is not specifically a solid recycling question, I hope that
> I
> can draw on the expertise of the wide range of professional to help me. I
> am looking for samples of legislative language for Extended Producer
> Responsibility (EPR) or advanced disposal fees (ADF). Specifically, I am
> looking for language that could be adopted to add a fee to pay for
> collection, recycling, and disposal of products handled by our Household
> Hazardous Waste Program.
> If you have any information regarding proposed or existing legislation
> dealing with fees for post-consumer product management, please contact me
> directly or respond to the listserve.
> Thank you in advance for your assistance.
> Sharon Dowell, HHW Program Manager
> Santa Clara County, Department of Environmental Health
> P.O. Box 28070
> San Jose, California 95159-8070
> voice: (408) 299-6688
> fax: (408) 280-6479
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