[GRRN] legislative language for EPR or ADF?

From: Sharon.Dowell@deh.CO.Santa-Clara.CA.US
Date: Wed Sep 13 2000 - 13:10:19 EDT

  • Next message: annie sherman: "[GRRN] NEW ADDRESS!"

    Dear Colleagues:

    Although this is not specifically a solid recycling question, I hope that I
    can draw on the expertise of the wide range of professional to help me. I
    am looking for samples of legislative language for Extended Producer
    Responsibility (EPR) or advanced disposal fees (ADF). Specifically, I am
    looking for language that could be adopted to add a fee to pay for
    collection, recycling, and disposal of products handled by our Household
    Hazardous Waste Program.

    If you have any information regarding proposed or existing legislation
    dealing with fees for post-consumer product management, please contact me
    directly or respond to the listserve.

    Thank you in advance for your assistance.

    Sharon Dowell, HHW Program Manager
    Santa Clara County, Department of Environmental Health
    P.O. Box 28070
    San Jose, California 95159-8070
    voice: (408) 299-6688
    fax: (408) 280-6479

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