Today's Topics:
Call for papers
Fwd: Organizing in California
SPI Codes -- which category to use?
Which virgin subsidies to eliminate
Zero waste goals (4 msgs)
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Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 14:02:36 -0500
From: Michele Raymond <>
Subject: Call for papers
Possible One-Day Workshop - July 1998 D C. area
Dear GreenYes list:
U.S. manufacturers used about 80 billion pounds of plastics in 1997 =97 use=
has increased about 40% since 1990 -- sales of resins increased 9.1% in=
1996 and 5.2% in 1997. However,recycling for plastics declined in 1997,=
according to preliminary estimates.=20
While producer responsibility mandates are proliferating in 28 countries to=
force the recovery issue for packaging and now many durable goods as well,=
there is little except economic and voluntary efforts to push anyone to=
recover or use recycled plastics in the U.S. This year, we see another=
battle over California's recycled content law, because the 25% "rate" was=
not met.
Are today's trends good for business =97 will it help keep U.S. costs down=
an improve competitiveness? Or will lack of interest mean even more=
expensive laws down the road? Will Europe surpass the U.S. in technology=
to cope with plastics waste? And what does this all mean when you specify=
today's plastics? Do you use more? Simplify? Or wait for the next wave?=
Can you use recycled plastics in your packaging or durable product? Is it=
worth the effort? And how do you label your plastics? Is anything banned in=
In an effort to keep you informed, I would like some feedback on a possible=
workshop on Plastics Recycling this year. Please let me know if you would=
have any interest in attending or speaking at such an event. The event=
would have to be low-overhead this time (no big promotional or travel=
budget), and sponsors would be sought. Below are some possible topics:
State of Plastics Recycling -- the Numbers; Why Recycling is Declining;=20
Will PVC be banned in Europe?
Recovery of Transport Plastics -
Local Government View - Why are they unhappy with markets?
Recyclers View - We Can't Get enough Feedstock=20
State of Sorting Technology;
Durables Recovery -
Technical barriers on use of Recycled Plastics =97 How to overcome
Open Loop Issues =97 Making the Leap from one industry to another-=20
The Future =97 Less or More Plastics in our future design plans and=
why..Impact of foreign EPR laws on North American designs.. Why hasn't EPR=
worked on plastics?.. Why haven't content laws worked? Can plastics=
recycling be pushed with no content laws? If so how? What are the=
consequences of doing nothing today? What's missing?=20
If you think such a workshop would be of interest to you for summer 1998,=
please indicate below. If you have a paper to propose, please Fax us=
paragraph on your idea, and your bio. Thanks! -- Michele Raymond,=
Publisher FAX to: 301/345-4768
YES, a summer workshop on plastics sounds interesting
NO plastics recycling is not of interest to us
I would be more interested in a technical workshop on European packaging=
issues in the fall
Other suggestion:=20
Name___________________ Org:______________________=20
Michele Raymond
Michele Raymond
<bold>Recycling Laws International/ State Recycling Laws Update
</bold>6429 Auburn Ave. Riverdale MD 20737-1614
301/345-4237 Fax 345-4768
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 20:39:23 EST
From: CRRA <>
Subject: Fwd: Organizing in California
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Subject: Organizing in California
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Subject: Organizing in California
Hi, my name is Russ Finkelstein and I work with a nonprofit organization
based in New York City called Action Without Borders. We are creating a
Global Directory of Nonprofits and CBOs. This listing allows groups to list
and update their services, volunteer opportunities, internships, etc..
whether or not they are online. We currently have about 12,000
organizations in 125 countries listed including 1000 in California.
I have been making a concerted effort to reach out to groups in California
recently. In doing so Erica Adshead of the Materials for the Future
Foundation recommended that I contact you. How might I go about getting the
word out to all of the recycling organizations in the state? I have
enclosed an information sheet to tell you a bit more about what we do.
If you care to correspond via email or speak (212-271-6732) do let me know.
Take care,
(Embedded image moved to file: PIC31869.PCX)
Russ Finkelstein
Director of Internet Outreach
Action Without Borders
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Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 15:31:17 -0600 (CST)
Subject: SPI Codes -- which category to use?
Can anyone refer me to any authoritative guidelines which would clarify
whether vinylidene dichloride (VDC) (sometimes referred to as polyvinylidene
dichloride, or PVDC) falls under SPI Code #3 (Vinyl)?
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) clearly does, but I'm not certain whether VDC/PVDC
does, or whether it should more appropriately be categorized under SPI Code
#7 (Other).
VDC/PVDC is most commonly found as a flexible film (e.g. Saran wrap) or as
an ultrathin coating on another plastic resin to help impart greater
moisture or gas barrier resistance. It is molecularly different than PVC
because it has an additional chlorine atom.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
Steve Hammer
Hammer Environmental Consulting
5294 Sycamore Ave.
Bronx, NY 10471
(718) 548-5285
Steve Hammer
Hammer Environmental Consulting
5294 Sycamore Ave.
Bronx, NY 10471
tel: (718) 548-5285
fax: (718) 548-5257
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 12:22:13 EST
From: DavidOrr <>
Subject: Which virgin subsidies to eliminate
In a message dated 1/26/98 3:02:57 PM, wrote:
>It seems that the elimination of virgin material subsidies will
>attract a lot of support from the business sector. In my
>contacts with the Cato Institute, the Reason Foundation and other
>business groups, I have found strong support for getting rid of
>virgin material subsidies.
I hope this is true, but in my experience with these two organizations, I have
seen quite the opposite. These groups are not necessarily opposed to
subsidies, but rather they are enamored of open market bidding and
privatization of public lands. As an example, they have not opposed logging
or grazing or mining on public lands, despite the fact that all these
industries are heavily subsidized. Instead, they advocate allowing enviro
groups to bid for the right NOT to cut down trees or graze cattle, or
alternately, they advocate for a wholesale sell-off of our public lands to the
highest bidder. The problem with these schemes is that they perpetuate
subsidies, and a gross devaluation of the non-market public values of public
lands, clean water, and wildlife.
I would welcome learning of any straightforward treatment of these issues by
Cato or Reason, but to date I have not seen such.
The bottom line is that these groups are libertarian, and they are
fundamentally philosophically opposed to public ownership of land and
wildlife, and are opposed to governmental regulation to protect natural
resources. Furthermore, they DO oppose subsidies to recycling. And this
betrays the logical fallacies of their entire ideology: they oppose subsidies
to correct market failure, and they oppose ending the subsidies that are
caused by market failure. They are apparently blind to the nonsensical nature
of their positions.
David Orr
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 13:43:24 -0600
From: "Cloutier, Chris" <>
Subject: Zero waste goals
Is "disposal" and "disposable" being used interchangably here? Last I
knew Kohler made toilets and the ilk. There is a certain "zero waste"
irony in that regard but I don't think it adds up to all the things
mentioned in the post below.
> ----------
> From: Marjorie J. Clarke[]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 1998 12:54PM
> To:
> Subject: Zero waste goals
> John Reindl reported on Kohler making a Zero waste goal. I take it
> that
> they make disposable products, and therefore wonder how that squares
> with
> the concept of zero waste. Is it so laudable that a company can have
> a
> perfectly non-polluting, efficient process, but make billions of
> disposable
> items that mine the earth's resources, make emissions and effluents in
> the
> transportation and manufacture, might be non-reusable or
> non-recyclable and
> generate toxics upon incineration or disposal? (Here, I'm talking
> about
> the concept and not necessarily this specific company, since I don't
> know
> all the details).
> __ __
> //\\ //\\ _ _ _ o _
> // \\ // \\ ({_}} {{_}} {{_}} || //_\\
> // \\// \\ ^ // // || \\__
> \_// \_//
> Marjorie J. Clarke
> Environmental Scientist and Consultant
> New York City Phone & Fax: 212-567-8272
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 13:43:19 -0600
From: "John Reindl" <>
Subject: Zero waste goals
All products are disposable and use resources, of course. For the
Kohler Company it takes a little longer to dispose of their
products, although they are involved in disposal functions on a
daily basis. They make bathroom fixtures, including sinks, showers,
bathtubs, toilets (hence the pun about the "bottom line"), etc.
Hope this clears things up!!
> John Reindl reported on Kohler making a Zero waste goal. I take it that
> they make disposable products, and therefore wonder how that squares with
> the concept of zero waste. Is it so laudable that a company can have a
> perfectly non-polluting, efficient process, but make billions of disposable
> items that mine the earth's resources, make emissions and effluents in the
> transportation and manufacture, might be non-reusable or non-recyclable and
> generate toxics upon incineration or disposal? (Here, I'm talking about
> the concept and not necessarily this specific company, since I don't know
> all the details).
> __ __
> //\\ //\\ _ _ _ o _
> // \\ // \\ ({_}} {{_}} {{_}} || //_\\
> // \\// \\ ^ // // || \\__
> \_// \_//
> Marjorie J. Clarke
> Environmental Scientist and Consultant
> New York City Phone & Fax: 212-567-8272
(608)267-1533 - fax
(608)267-8815 - phone
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 13:54:18 -0500
From: "Marjorie J. Clarke" <>
Subject: Zero waste goals
John Reindl reported on Kohler making a Zero waste goal. I take it that
they make disposable products, and therefore wonder how that squares with
the concept of zero waste. Is it so laudable that a company can have a
perfectly non-polluting, efficient process, but make billions of disposable
items that mine the earth's resources, make emissions and effluents in the
transportation and manufacture, might be non-reusable or non-recyclable and
generate toxics upon incineration or disposal? (Here, I'm talking about
the concept and not necessarily this specific company, since I don't know
all the details).
__ __
//\\ //\\ _ _ _ o _
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// \\// \\ ^ // // || \\__
\_// \_//
Marjorie J. Clarke
Environmental Scientist and Consultant
New York City Phone & Fax: 212-567-8272
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 20:19:21 -0500
From: "Marjorie J. Clarke" <>
Subject: Zero waste goals
John Reindl replied:
>All products are disposable and use resources, of course. For the
>Kohler Company it takes a little longer to dispose of their
>products, although they are involved in disposal functions on a
>daily basis. They make bathroom fixtures, including sinks, showers,
>bathtubs, toilets (hence the pun about the "bottom line"), etc.
>Hope this clears things up!!
Only to the degree that we are speaking about Kohler. My question was
quite a bit broader than this instance, as I tried to make clear. What do
we make of companies that manufacture disposable diapers (or chemical
cleanser... you fill in the blank) who make their manufacturing processes
so efficient that they don't waste any resources or create any byproducts
for our air and water, but the product itself is not good for the
environment? Do they qualify as having attained Zero Waste?
__ __
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// \\// \\ ^ // // || \\__
\_// \_//
Marjorie J. Clarke
Environmental Scientist and Consultant
New York City Phone & Fax: 212-567-8272
End of GreenYes Digest V98 #23