Campaign Plan?
Fri, 22 Jan 1999 16:24:28 -0500

[I worked over Gary's message regarding where we are headed.
--Bill Sheehan]

The Grassroots Recycling Network is launching a campaign to
promote three simple messages:
Total Recycling by 2010
Make Jobs Not Waste
Tax Waste Not Work
The California Resource Recovery Association is kicking off the
campaign by organizing a mass letter writing campaign, starting on
Earth Day. Recycling activists will be asked to write federal
officials the general message, "Just say yes to environmental
protection," followed with the three specific messages. The
campaign will be promoted at Earth Day fairs and in cyberspace. A
listserve (GREENYES) has already been set up and 200 additional
environmental listserves have been identified to amplify the
message. The goal of the letter writing is to develop a database of
names of activists willing to do further work to promote the three

We are developing position papers to support the three messages.
We plan to have drafts of these position papers ready for the May
17th meeting of the National Recycling Coalition Board of
Directors, where we will press NRC to adopt these messages as top
priorities for advocacy. We will adopt expanded position papers,
refine our campaign action plan, and develop a long-range
recycling agenda at our first Network meeting, to be held in
conjunction with the annual conference of the CRRA in Long Beach
CA, June 16-18. We will then circulate the messages widely
through the Internet, state recycling organizations, and the media.
Over the summer, we will work to get our messages adopted in
platform statements of the Democratic and Republican Parties. At
the NRC Congress in Pittsburgh in September, we will hold an
meeting to explain the campaign, enlist attendees, and develop a
final push to get these issues raised in the national debate.