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[GreenYes] Call for papers/agenda items/International Dialog on Zero Waste/Naples Italy

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International Dialog on Zero Waste in Naples Italy

February 18-21 2009.

This is an official call for papers and agenda items.

The four-day event will include:


¨      Zero Waste International Alliance Planning Group Meeting (2/18/09)

  • Submit proposed agenda items for international organizing on Zero Waste


¨      Zero Waste International Dialog  (2/19-20, 2009)

  • Reports on best Zero Waste policies, programs, practices and facilities implemented by business and communities around the world. 
  • Papers on proposed international policy (e.g. Davos Zero Waste accords, Blue Mountain Recyclers statement, Zero Waste 10 Commandments from Mal Williams, City to Soils of Gerry Gillespie)
  • Draft over-arching principles of Zero Waste. 
  • Presentations on local zero waste activities


¨      Zero Waste Community Workshop for community leaders and local businesses (2/21/09)


Please send agenda items and 50 word abstracts on the above to “International Dialog” c/o Ricanthony@no.address by September 30, 2008.


Last April-May 2008 Paul Connett, Eric Lombardi, Jeff Morris and Rick Anthony presented at Zero Waste conferences and town meetings throughout northern Italy.  The result was the same everywhere: the local grassroots citizens attended, ready to listen to another way of handling community and business discards.  The Italian Zero Waste organization, led by Rossano Ercolini was able to network our group of traveling Zero Waste experts to local Zero Waste representatives in each town.  There is a network of Zero Waste advocates growing throughout the country and all of Europe.  It is time to organize a Zero Waste International dialog and face-to-face meeting, since Europe is getting to critical mass, and if we don't get organized, we stand to lose our brand.
Rossano has agreed to work with us to host a Zero Waste International Dialog gathering in Naples Italy.  Set your calendar for February 18 -21 2009.
Since our first Zero Waste meetings in Penang and Beaumaris we have held two International Dialogs (San Francisco 2004 and Davos 2007).  In all cases our coming together has led to synergies that have captured the imagination of the world.   The movement for Zero Waste in Italy is a surge in grassroots activities propelled by the threat of global warming, proposed incinerators and the European Union’s decree to phase out organics from landfilling.  The whole region is interested in what Zero Waste is and how to implement it.
With major corporations leading the way, Zero Waste is now seen as an effective means for complying with greening of the earth standards and the results have been wins in efficiency and perception.  It is very important that we join together on a global basis and adopt over arching principles for those who will be tasked by their company or government to implement these programs.  We need to discuss and endorse our methodology and metrics.
Rossano and our Zero Waste friends in Italy are willing to help us host this event.  The ZWIA Planning Group (ZWIA Plan) has voted to organize the dialog and the program.  As organizers, Gary Liss and I are taking the initiative and will follow up on all tasks.  I plan to be there on site to the finish, and we will have principles that we want to adopt and to address how to make a sustainable international front.
We think the structure of the International Dialog organized in San Francisco works as a model for this event in Italy

  • One half day on Wednesday afternoon (followed by a social dinner) for  Zero Waste International Alliance Planning Group to meet face to face and hold a networking and organizing meeting. 
  • Thursday/Friday Zero Waste International Dialog. 

Hopefully by the end of the second day we will have positions that the group will be able to circulate to adopt internationally.

  • Saturday Zero Waste Community Workshop with local organizers on how to initiate and adopt Zero Waste policies and plans for businesses and communities.

In San Francisco we were able to raise some money for speaker travel from primarily California state agencies, which we knew well.  This time the locals will get the location but you have to take care of your travel. 
 Budget and facilities permitting, we may try to arrange Internet connections again for some presentations. 


San Diego, California


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