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One of my fondest memories in my political development in 1960 was watching Spencer Tracey in the movie Inherit the Wind slay the forces of darkeness in that Dayton courtroom, with the Darrow and Mencken characters verbally slicing and dicing ignorant fundamentalism. Little did I realize then that our act of showing progressive superiority was to eventually cut our own throat, when just about 50 years later Roe v. Wade brought evangelical America out of their churches and into the political arena on the side of the right wing, which was antithetical to all those progressive values the populist movement they once belonged to, had championed. I don't often agree with the American Enterprise Institute (below), but, in this case, he is exactly right. I, and so many others who thought we were so smart, did something incredibly stupid and self destructive of our deeper values all those long years ago. May we learn from those mistakes and start rebuilding a majority movement today. Peter WALL STREET JOURNAL - August 5, 2005 HOUSES OF WORSHIP When the Lines Were Drawn By CHRISTOPHER LEVENICK Eighty years ago last month, at the trial of John Scopes, the first shots of the culture war were fired. Scopes's crime? Teaching his high-school biology class a lesson that was thought to deny the biblical account of human origins, in violation of Tennessee's new Anti-Evolution Act. To nobody's surprise, Scopes was found guilty -- he had clearly broken the law -- but the verdict did little to resolve the difficulties over teaching evolution in public schools. This year alone, 13 states have introduced legislation that would require schoolteachers to take a more critical approach toward evolutionary theory. If the issues at stake in the Scopes trial seem familiar, so too should the way they unfolded. As in any good culture-war campaign, much of the controversy was staged. The law that Scopes broke was a symbolic measure, signed by a governor who thought it would never be enforced. Indeed, its leading advocate thought it should have no penalty provision. Scopes himself was no martyr for the cause of science: Local businessmen had asked him to stand for a test case, hoping that the publicity might improve the declining fortunes of Dayton, Tenn. As for the trial, it proved principally a chance for fundamentalists and the American Civil Liberties Union to duke it out before a national audience. "... "... "... "... Yet the most profound change of all has occurred in American political culture. At the time of the trial, the nascent progressive movement drew much of its strength from the perfectionist impulses of evangelical Protestantism. That alliance began to dissolve at the trial, when two lions of the American left turned on one another. Leading Scopes's defense was Clarence Darrow, a champion of progressive causes and an outspoken agnostic. Among the prosecutors was William Jennings Bryan, a three-time Democratic presidential candidate and a stalwart defender of traditional Christianity. The two had long worked together for social reform, but in Dayton Darrow treated Bryan with contempt. In the trial's climactic scene, Darrow called Bryan to the stand, where he sneered at the witness for "insult[ing] every man of science and learning in the world because he does not believe in your fool religion." And so the culture war came. For the first time, coastal elites descended on small-town America, calling its citizens stupid and their beliefs backward. And though fundamentalism may have looked worse at the time, the longer term damage was to progressivism; it was at Dayton that the movement began to lose its popular appeal. Bryan, after all, was to the left of most Democrats today, but his followers found that they could not keep company with those who so disdained their faith. Nowadays, when liberalism's leading strategists wonder what's the matter with Kansas, they could do worse than to look back to Tennessee -- and to their own caustic dismissive of serious Christians. Mr. Levenick is a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. FOR FULL ARTICLE: http://online.wsj.com/article/0,,SB112321404353805934,00.html Copyright 2005 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. Distribution and use of this material are governed by our Subscriber Agreement and by copyright law. 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