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[greenyes] Epson

Hi folks. Sorry if you¹ve seen this already, but I keep getting automated
responses back when I try to post messages saying it failed.

I spoke to someone at the Funding Factory on September 20 and she told me
that the cartridges they receive are sold to remanufacturers, and cell
phones are either reused or taken apart for recycling. I told her I¹d seen
an Epson press release saying the cartridges were incinerated, and she told
me that Epson is the exception to the rule for funding factory¹s program.
Epson does not allow their cartridges to be remanufactured, so those are
sent for incineration (with energy recovery!).

Amy Perlmutter Perlmutter Associates 23 Avon Street Cambridge, MA 02138

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