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> > > >Dear Epson people: > > > >I have just seen a release dated 9/14/04 saying: > > > >>"Educational and nonprofit organizations can earn points by collecting > >>genuine Epson ink cartridges and sending them to FundingFactory for > >>recycling. The cartridges will be converted to energy through an > >>environmentally sound incineration process at a licensed waste-to-energy > >>recycling facility." > > > >There are at least two problems with this: > > > >(1) Incineration is not "recycling;"and > > > >(2) Noting is "converted to energy" in an incinerator. > > > >Thus, you are engaging in two major misrepresentations about an issue that > >is important to our members. Please be advised that we intend to provide > >this information to our members and suggest that they might avoid purchase > >of Epson produces until the situation is corrected. > > > >Yours very truly, > > > >Dominika O'Dowd ul. Poznanska 11 m 8 00-680 Warsaw Poland |
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