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[greenyes] INFO/US Incinerator List
Dear All,

Thank you so much for your contributions to this list of possible new US
incinerators.  All your help is greatly appreciated!
Our research developed mainly from U.S. news sources, but information from
members of both the GAIA and GreenYes list-servs was invaluable.  Again,
thank you for your contributions.

For this project, we were primarily interested in locating municipal solid
waste incinerator proposals, wo we divided the list into two different waste
stream categories, Municipal Solid Waste and all other waste.  If you would
like to view the full article for any possible new incinerator listed,
please contact Monica Wilson through email (mwilson@no.address) or by
telephone (510-524-4000 ext.104).

If you have any more information about the status of an incinerator proposal
or information about local opposition groups in any of the areas listed,
please contact Monica. Any amount of input will be truly helpful!


Julia Varshavsky

Monica Wilson's Contact Info:
(510)524-4000 ext.104

Possible New Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Incinerators (or ?waste-to-energy?
facilities) in the United States


1.	Garbage Incinerator Proposal: Del Norte County, CA and Curry County, OR
Straddling the California-Oregon border, the counties of Del Norte in
California and Curry in Oregon have created an economic zone. One proposed
joint project is to build an incinerator that would accept garbage from
several counties.
?The State; An Economic Pairing at California-Oregon Border; Two struggling
counties team up to create an interstate zone in a bid to boost fiscal
clout,? Los Angeles Times, March 5, 2003, Emily Gurnon.

2.	Riverside County, CA
Brightstar Environmental of Brisbane, Australia, wants to build a new waste
gasification facility, but they have yet to get their permits. They want the
plant to be ready by 2004.
?Governor signs bill for trash gasification,? The Desert Sun (Palm Springs,
CA), September 24, 2002, Jake Henshaw.

3.	Los Angeles County, CA
Los Angeles Mayor James K. Hahn on Thursday appointed a 10-member advisory
committee to look for ways to send less trash--or none at all--to the
Sunshine Canyon and Bradley landfills in an effort to placate secession
supporters in the San Fernando Valley. The committee will study alternative
disposal methods, such as shipping trash to desert landfills, converting
garbage to energy and boosting the city's recycling program.
?Mayor Appoints a Panel to Study Valley Landfill Issue; Trash: The group,
created to mollify secession backers, will look into alternatives to dumping
at Sunshine Canyon, Bradley sites,? L.A. Times, 05/10/2002, Wendy Thermos.

4.	Santa Cruz County near Moss Landing, CA
Santa Cruz county supervisor proposes ?waste-to-energy? plant for the
?Waste-to-energy plan on board agenda,? Santa Cruz Sentinel, May 5, 2003,
Jeanene Harlick.

5.	San Diego County (according to Santa Cruz article)
Several communities, including Bakersfield and San Diego County, have
waste-to-energy projects in the works.
?Waste-to-energy plan on board agenda,? Santa Cruz Sentinel, May 5, 2003,
Jeanene Harlick.

6.	No media, alerted by city employees: City of Alameda, CA

7.	No media, alerted by city employees: Santa Barbara, CA

8.	No media, alerted by GAIA member: Imperial County, CA; Waste Stream


9.	Plasma Arc: Catoosa County, Georgia
Try Star Ltd. is seeking a memorandum of understanding with Catoosa County
commissioners which could lead to a feasibility study within a month. A
presentation of the plasma arc system was provided to commissioners in May
2002 by Dr. Louis Circeo of Georgia Tech.
?Company pitches high-tech garbage system,? Chattanooga Times Free Press
(Tennessee), February 9, 2003, Ronnie Moore.


10.	Honolulu, HI
The city is considering espansion of its H-Power trash-to-energy plant in an
effort to keep up with O'ahu's refuse stream. Covanta Energy is preparing a
proposal and expects to present its report to the city in June. The new
boiler would be about the same size as the existing ones, but with more
modern pollution control equipment.  Another leading contender is plasma arc
or plasma torch technology, which takes waste to vastly higher temperatures
than in the H-Power incinerator.
?H-Power plan would boost trash capacity,? The Honolulu Advertiser, May 22,
2003, Jan TenBruggencate.

11.	Plasma Arc: Islands of O?ahu and Maui, HI
Asia Pacific is talking to county officials on O'ahu and Maui about using
the plasma arc technology for destroying other kinds of waste, including
household trash and sewage sludge. ?Firm looks to expand plasma arc
technology,? The Honolulu Advertiser, April 22, 2002 Jan TenBruggencate.


12.	Waste and Coal Gasification Power Plant: Trapp, Clark County, Kentucky
A power company has applied for a key permit it needs to build a
540-megawatt plant in Clark County, Ky., south of Winchester, that would
burn gas produced by coal and garbage pellets. Kentucky Pioneer Energy LLC,
which already holds an air permit from the Natural Resources and
Environmental Protection Cabinet, also needs permission from a state power
plant siting board to secure financing and begin building.
?Permit for power plant is sought; New state siting board to consider
request,? The Courier-Journal (Louisville, KY), December 21, 2002, James


13.	Additional burner for existing incinerator: Saugus, Massachusetts
RESCO is preparing a renewed push to win town support for its controversial
proposal to expand the facility owned by Wheelabrator. The proposal calls
for the addition of a third burner to its 28-year-old incinerator.
Wheelabrator wants to place a nonbinding referendum on the November ballot
in Saugus asking if the town should open a discussion with RESCO about a
possible expansion of the plant. The bid comes three years after Town
Meeting rejected the idea of a town dialogue with RESCO over expanding its
plant, sponsored by SAVE (below). Company officials recently held two
informal meetings with town officials about expanding. The state has had a
moratorium since 1995 on the construction or expansion of trash
incinerators. And a long-range solid waste plan developed by the state in
2000 did not call for any new incineration.
?Expansion Plan To Face Fresh Test,? The Boston Globe, March 23, 2003, John


14.	Waste Gasification Plant: Duplin County, North Carolina
Update: After public opposition to waste gasification, the Duplin Board of
Commissioners voted project down the waste gasification plant proposal by
Global Waste International. Incineration and gasification were eliminated as
an option for Duplin County, as were big commercial multi-state dumping in
the county. Duplin County has asked BREDL for help in creating a Zero Waste


15.	 Incinerator: Shoreham, Long Island, New York
American Ref-Fuel has polled the public about a potential Shoreham
incinerator and broached the subject with KeySpan Corp. and the Long Island
Power Authority. KeySpan owns land surrounding the Shoreham plant; LIPA is
the most likely customer for generated electricity, and the authority owns
the nuclear plant buildings and some land on site. American Ref-Fuel made an
inquiry regarding the property, but no official offers or deals had been
made. LIPA recently invited developers to submit proposals for new power
supplies and American Ref-Fuel was welcome to take part in that process.
Incinerator operators are asking the State Public Service Commission to
classify their plants as renewable energy sources. Such a designation could
give them a boost because Gov. George Pataki recently mandated that 25
percent of the state's electricity be generated from renewable sources by
2013.  American Ref-Fuel is co-owned by North Carolina-based Duke Energy and
United American Energy Corp., which is based in Woodcliff Lake, N.J. Duke
recently agreed to sell its 50-percent stake in the company to American
International Group, or AIG, an international insurance and financial
services organization based in New York City. The sale is pending.
?Already Trashing Incinerator; Shoreham Plan Bad Idea, Opponents Say,?
Newsday (New York,) June 17, 2003, Tom McGinty.

16.	Incinerator: Calverton, Riverhead County, LI, NY
The Calverton plant would be Long Island's fifth -- and the state's tenth --
waste incinerator. Members of Riverhead's Town Board expressed concerns that
Joseph Rutigliano, the president of Renaissance Power Systems, a company
formed specifically for the Calverton venture and an affiliate of Glen
Cove-based Coastal Distribution Inc., was indicted in 1996 in a New York
City-wide crackdown on corruption in the waste removal industry.  Riverhead
is weighing several proposals from other business groups that want to use
the same former Grumman site, although the Riverhead Town Board members said
they are concerned about environmental factors.
?'Red flag' raised over incinerator proponent's indictment,? Island Business
News (Long Island, NY), November 15, 2002, Ben Abelson.

17.	Plasma Conversion/Gasification for waste from New York City, New York
Councilman Michael McMahon, head of the influential City Council panel
searching for ways to solve the city's sanitation and waste-disposal
problems, is pushing for this incinerator. He mentioned that Middletown and
Long Island have also been playing with the idea. Startech Environmental, a
Wilton, Conn.-based company that has built and installed plasma
garbage-eaters in Europe, Japan and the United States, said it could install
a starter unit in the Big Apple for about $12 million.
?Trash Talkers Tout Ray-Gun' To Zap Rubbish,? The New York Post, October 20,
2002, Sunday, Paul Tharp.


18.	Waste Incinerator: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
A crowd of neighbors turned out for a public hearing Wednesday night, July
9, at the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) office just outside
Harrisburg. Almost everyone who spoke expressed concern that the DEP hasn't
required the city to perform thorough tests on the type of environmental
impact the new incinerator could have. DEP officials said they will take
comments from Wednesday night's meeting into consideration as they review
the city's $100 million plan to rebuild the incinerator, which was required
to cease operations last month.
?WGAL Television News Story: Neighbors Protest Rebuilding Trash Incinerator?
, July 10, 2003,


19.	Expansion of waste incinerator: Harrisonburg, Virginia
Company wants to increase capacity of rural community?s waste burner.
?Company Has Client Sold on Retrofit For Small-Scale Incinerator in Va.,?
Solid Waste Report, July 11, 2003, page 135.


20.	Waste-to-Energy Plant: Tacoma, Washington
The Tideflats steam plant shut down in 2001 due to loss of profits after
state officials refused to extend a rule waiver that temporarily allowed the
plant to burn a mixture of asphalt roofing and waste oil along with its
usual load of garbage, which caused NRG Energy Inc. to break its 20 year
contract with the city to improve the plant. The state Department of Ecology
proposed a revision in the state's incinerator rule that together with a
related pollution permit from the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency, could allow
the plant to resume production and turn a profit.  Agency officials will not
issue that permit until the state changes the incinerator rule, prompting
protests from leaders of the Washington Toxics Coalition who don't want the
plant to reopen.
?Tacoma seeking $6 million from energy company; Steam plant: Bankrupt NRG
agreed to market electricity? Susan Gordon, The News Tribune, July 24, 2003

Possible New Incinerators Of Non-MSW Waste Streams In United States

21.	Gasification company wants to market technology globally: Greenville,
The goal is to produce waste gasification modules in Greenville and sell
them all over the world. John Cockerham along with officials from
environmental agencies, local leaders, legislators and guests from the
Ukraine, will announce the project to the public during a demonstration at
the Greenville Port Terminal today.
?Garbage Waste Project Could Lead To Jobs, The Commercial Appeal? (Memphis,
TN), July 2, 2003, The Associated Press.

22.	Sludge ?Recycling? Incinerator: Zion, Illinois
The sanitary district wants to build a sludge incinerator, which they claim
will transform human waste into glasslike pellets in the town of Zion, where
they already own property. The site would be sold to the city at a reduced
cost, and the city would in turn sell the land to developers. The sanitary
district is pending state approval.  Zion government is on board because
this will rebuild poor economy. Incinerator was initially going to be built
in Waukegon (nearby town), but town officials would not allow it.
Chicago Daily Herald, June 29, 2003, Sunday Lake, Editorial.

23.	Waste-to-Energy Facility: Beaver County, Utah
Circle Four Farms announced that their facility will convert swine manure
into fuel.
?Hog Farm to Refine Waste to Diesel Fuel; Pig Farm Waste to Be Converted to
Diesel Fuel,? Salt Lake Tribune, February 22, 2003, Brent Israelsen.

24.	Cement Kiln: Whitehall, Pennsylvania
Many people attended a Whitehall Township commissioners' meeting about
Lafarge Corp.'s plan to burn plastics in its cement kilns. All seven
commissioners voiced concerns; nobody who spoke publicly was in favor.
?Residents wary of plan to burn plastics; Lafarge Corp. presents proposal in
Whitehall,? Morning Call (Allentown, PA,) January 14, 2003, Mariella

25.	Tire-burning Power Plant: Martinsville, Virginia
125 opponents of the proposed $3.5 million asked state officials at a public
hearing to reconsider their decision to grant the plant an emissions permit.
The project's opponents also delivered petitions signed by 1,113 people. The
Department of Environmental Quality will continue to hear public comment on
the project until July 29.
?Opposition mounts to Martinsville tire-burning power plant? Associated
Press,  July 15, 2003.

26.	Proposed Tire-Burning ?Waste-to-Energy? Plant: Masaryktown,Florida
Synergy seeks a conditional-use permit for tire-shredding only, to go before
the Planning Commission Aug.13 and the County Commission Aug.26, and to
request approval of the incinerator later. County planners recommended
approval of the incinerator as long as the proposed land, now commercial
use, is rezoned for industrial use. The change would require approval from
the County Commission and the state Department of Community Affairs; both
agencies will look at whether a land-use change would be compatible with the
neighbors, but the surrounding properties are zoned for commercial and
agricultural/residential use.  Synergy says if approval is denied, they will
move to industrial land a little further away. Note: The company first
included plans to burn medical waste, but dropped them after a meeting with
County Commissioner Pat Mulieri, who started her political career by helping
stop a medical waste incinerator proposed in Gowers Corner. Dan Krevsky,
president of Pasco Synergy, has served time in a federal prison camp for his
part in a 1988 plot to smuggle nearly 8 tons of Colombian cocaine into Long
Island, N.Y.
?Hernando Rallying To Fight Tire Plant,? Tampa Tribune, June 20, 2003, Lara
?Energy Plant Proposal Worries Hernando,? Tampa Tribune, June 25, 2003, Lara
?Whiff of tire burning plan riles town,? St. Petersburg Times, June 19,
2003, James Thorner.
?Felon behind tire-burning plant? Bridget Hall Grumet, July 15, 2003.
?Report backs tire plant but deals it a setback? St. Petersburg Times,
August 5, 2003 Bridget Hall Grumet.

27.	Plasma Arc: Columbia County, Florida
Columbia County planner Bryan Kepner confirmed Try Star is seeking a special
exception permit for compatible land use to build a plasma arc plant, burn
tires, and sell the electricity on the open market.
Chattanooga Times Free Press, Feb. 27, 2003, Ronnie Moore.

28.	Proposed Sewage Incinerator: Ann Arbor, Michigan
The Ypsilanti Community Utilities Authority is proposing to build a new
sewage incinerator at YCUA's plant on State Road to burn sewage waste, to
open by 2006.  The last meeting attracted about 60 people and was the last
of two meetings DEQ (Michigan Department of Environmental Quality) held as
part of the permit process. The department has urged residents to send their
comments to DEQ before July 1, 2003.
Ann Arbor News, Khalil E. Hachem.

29.	Tire-burning plant: Preston, Minnesota
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) Citizens? approved an air
emissions permit in a 6-2 vote for Heartland Energy & Recycling of Preston
during the Board?s meeting July 22. Many of those questioning the plant
turned out at the meeting despite the fact it was held on a Tuesday workday.
The 65-seat room was full. Southeastern Minnesotans for Environmental
Protection (SEMEP) steering committee member Cari Watson said the original
notice for the conditional use permit did not mention that Heartland would
burn tires. Many concerns raised included the lack of modeling involving the
effects of emissions from Heartland combined with those from the nearby
Pro-Corn ethanol plant and the weather patterns of Preston.
?MPCA Citizens? Board decides it won?t be ?enforcer? of ?local issue??
Republican-Leader, July 30, 2003, Lisa Brainard
?MPCA grants permit for controversial tire-burning plant in Preston? The
Associated Press State and Local Wire, July 23, 2003

30.	Wood-burning Incinerator: Opelousas, Louisiana
Solid Waste committees approved an air curtain burner, and advised the
slowing of recycling expansion in St. Landry Parish until further notice due
to the program?s net loss of money. Recycling was started as a mandate and
is sustained through a parish tax fund. The parish recycles 23 percent of
its products, while the state mandate requires 25 percent. Commissioners
voted to recommend that the full Solid Waste Commission allow Executive
Director Gary Bonvillain to apply for a permit to began the process of
setting up an air curtain incinerator to burn wood waste in order to get rid
of it quicker and save space in the landfill.  All proposals will be voted
on by the full commission in August, 2003.
?Committee OKs incinerator purchase? July 31, 2003 By Stephanie Kirk

31.	Poultry Manure Incinerator: Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
In efforts to save the Chesapeake Bay, the government and some companies are
making a business out of removing overabundant poultry byproducts, which is
a huge problem for life in the bay.  As a result, a huge government-backed
poultry manure fertilizer industry is growing, and the legislature has also
let languish calls from a British company for help in starting up an
incinerator that would burn poultry manure.
?Manure Into Money; Fertilizer Eases Poultry Farms' Burden? August 03, 2003,
Anita Huslin, Washington Post

32.	Rotary Kiln Incinerator: Midland, Michigan
Dow Chemical was recently granted a 10-year license by the Michigan
Department of Environmental Quality. Dow had until early August to present a
plan to test for levels of dioxins around the Midland complex and in the
Tittabawassee floodplain. City officials and community members say that Dow
has not proved their worth with the tests.
?Residents want more from Dow plan to handle dioxin concerns?, The
Associated Press State & Local Wire, August 13, 2003

33.	Hazardous Waste Boiler: Louisville, Kentucky
The Kentucky Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet?s
(Cabinet) Division of Waste Management is granting final approval for a
Trial Burn Plan, Human Health Risk Assessment Protocol, and Screening Level
Ecological Risk Assessment Protocol submitted by the Rohm and Haas Companyor
a hazardous waste boiler, which will be added to their existing hazardous
waste permit. The information gathered during the trial burn will help
determine the operating requirements for the modified permit.  When a draft
of the modified permit has been prepared, the Cabinet will notify the public
through another public notice, and open another Public Comment Period. The
facility has scheduled testing for the week of June 23-27, 2003. Cabinet and
EPA representatives will observe the testing.
Receipt of Trial Burn Plan for Hazardous Waste Boiler; EPA I.D. NO.
KYD-006-390-017 ? PENDING NO. 91-497; PUBLIC NOTICE, Jefferson Co., ROHM AND

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